The Best Kinds of Pumpkin to Use for Pie
While baking a pumpkin pie can be as easy as going to the grocery store and buying a can of pumpkin purée, what if you were feeling ambitious and wanted to do the whole process yourself, starting with a whole pumpkin? Not all pumpkins are created equal and work well in cooking and baking, so here is a guide to help you pick and purchase the right ones.
What’s the Best Pumpkin Variety for Pie?
Small pumpkins with thin skins and sweet, smooth flesh are the best for pies. Look for varieties like Sugar pumpkins, Baby Pam, Autumn Gold, Ghost Rider, New England Pie Pumpkin, and Lumina (which are white). Cinderella and Fairytale pumpkins are also good for pies, despite their hard, thick skins.
What Makes a Pumpkin Good for Baking?
Those big pumpkins you see at the pumpkin patch for carving into jack-o’-lanterns look appealing, but they’re the worst for cooking and baking. While technically they are edible and you can cook with them, their flesh is stringy, bland, and watery.
The best pumpkins for baking pies (and cooking) are sweet and flavorful with smooth flesh. In fact, pumpkin purée manufacturer Libby’s breeds their own Select Dickinson pumpkins specifically for their extremely smooth texture.
How to Shop for Pie Pumpkins
When shopping for pumpkins for pies or other baked goods, look for ones usually generically labeled “sugar pumpkins” or “pie pumpkins.”
Choose pumpkins between four to eight pounds, and don’t worry if the outside looks a little dull — as long as you don’t see any big bruises or soft spots, it’s fine. Pumpkins have a long shelf life and can keep for months at cool room temperature.
If only the big carving pumpkins are available, choose a winter squash (like butternut squash ) instead for the best results. Canned pumpkin purée is often made with one or more types of winter squash, like butternut, Hubbard, and Boston Marrow.
How to Prepare Fresh Pumpkins
Once you have the right kind of pumpkin, you can treat it like any other hard winter squash: Roast it in the oven, steam it, or cut it into smaller pieces before cooking into soups and stews.
For pies and other baked goods you can make your own pumpkin purée by roasting it before using in recipes, and don’t forget to save and roast those tasty seeds. Pumpkin purée freezes very well, so make a big batch to save for another baking project!