Kitchn Cooking School
Welcome to Kitchn Cooking School: 20 days, 20 lessons to help you on the journey of becoming the cook you've always wanted to be. These 20 lessons are hosted by two of our smart, funny editors — Grace and Meghan — who will give you crash courses that you can absorb and practice on a weeknight. You're busy, but cooking can't wait. This is a Cooking School that fits into your life, teaching you no more (and no less) than you need to know to become a great and confident cook. Jump in any time, and chat with your classmates in our Facebook group and on Instagram at #kitchncookingschool.
Kitchn Cooking School
Sign up now to get 20 days of cooking lessons that are designed to help every home cook, from beginners to seasoned professionals.
Week 1 Lessons