Weekend Meditation: Returning
I’ve been away for this past week, deep in the wilderness where there’s no technology or cell phone connection or TV but plenty of extra-blue sky and forest critters and hot springs that burble up from the earth to warm my body straight through to the bone.
After seven straight days of no technological fancy-dancing, I must admit I am finding even typing this post a little daunting. So this week, it’s probably best that I keep it short and sweet and leave you with a lovely picture of a pile of pomegranates and Quan Yin’s toes, and this quote that someone shared with me over a lovely vegetarian dinner last week:
Bless our hearts to hear
in the breaking of bread
the sound of the universe.
— Fr. John Giuliani
I’m not sure how they go together but perhaps you can can ponder this and share your thoughts in the comments! May your days be supported clear blue skies and filled with the warmth and blessings of breaking bread with people that you love.
Related: Weekend Meditation: Stories
(Image: Dana Velden)