The Best Trick for Keeping a Cutting Board from Slipping
You don’t need any fancy grips or gadgets to keep your cutting board in place while you work — you just need some good old-fashioned ingenuity. This little trick, which is common practice among professional chefs, will save that board from sliding all over the counter while you dice and chop.
It’s of utmost importance to keep your board from slipping while cutting; it’s knife safety 101.
More about basic knife skills in the first lesson from our Cooking School: Cooking School Day 1: Knife Skills
The Power of a Damp Paper Towel
The easiest way to keep your board stable is to grab a paper towel, wet it and wring it out so it’s just damp, then lay it out flat on your counter before placing the cutting board down on it.
That’s it. The damp paper towel acts a grip, preventing your board from moving around.
If your board is extra large, you may need two paper towels, but that’s really all it takes. Once your board is steady, you can chop away to your heart’s content.
A few other ways to keep your board in place: Five Ways to Keep Your Cutting Board from Slipping
Do you use this trick? Do you have another way to keep your cutting board from slipping?