5 Things to Clean in the Kitchen During These Colder Winter Months
When we think about big cleaning seasons, spring usually comes to mind. But winter is actually a pretty good time to do some serious cleaning. I mean, think about it: Soon we’ll be stuck inside, staring at the walls, and we won’t mind working up a sweat.
Here are five projects to tackle the next time you’re faced with a gray wintry day.
1. Your Oven
This time of year is peak baking and roasting season. Take the time at the beginning of the season — or once the oven’s had a lot of use — to give it a clean before the spills and splatters really build up.
See our tutorial: How To Clean an Oven with Baking Soda and Vinegar
2. Your Cabinets
Do you have the windows closed while your dinner simmers on the stove? If so, it’s likely that you’re building up greasy debris along your cabinets. It might be too hot to climb onto your countertops to clean during the summer, but now you have no excuse. Put on some fuzzy PJ bottoms and get to work.
See the steps: How To Get Sticky Cooking Grease Off Cupboards
3. Your Backsplash Grout
This is an annoying project, but it can have great rewards. And if you can get your grout clean once, the maintenance will be easier down the line. So make up a DIY paste and start scrubbing — preferably with a podcast in your ears.
See how it’s done: How To Clean Dirty Backsplash Grout
4. Your Freezer
It may seem counter-intuitive (you’re cold enough!), but winter is actually a convenient time to deep-clean the freezer because you can often store the contents outside while you’re working. Plus, it’s a good time to take stock of what summer fixings are left over and make space to hold batches of frozen soups to heat up on chilly days.
See our tutorial: How To Clean the Freezer
5. Your Pantry
When it gets this cold outside, critters move inside, so take the time to make sure your pantry’s no more tempting than it needs to be! It’s also a good time to clear some space for your root veggies, baking needs, and anything else you store more of in winter months.
Your checklist: A 13-Minute Cleaning Routine to Keep Your Pantry Pest-Free
What other big cleaning projects do you tackle in the winter?