Why Be a Disney Princess When You Can Be a Hot Dog?
Imagine that you’re 5 years old and it’s Princess Week at your dance class. Obviously, this is a momentous occasion, so you have to consider your options carefully. You could go classic and dress as Belle or Jasmine, or go the more obscure route and dress as Thumbelina or the Swan Princess. But what if you decide that frilly dresses and musical numbers aren’t your thing?
Maybe, deep down, you’ve realized that you’re a completely different kind of princess altogether — a princess like the world has never seen before … like, say, a hot dog princess. Yeah.
Whatever the thought process was that led precious 5-year-old Ainsley to dress as a hot dog during her dance class’s Princess Week, I sure am glad it happened. Can you believe this sweet girl’s confidence? Talk about good parenting — this kiddo is going places.
Jillian Ackerman really said it best:
→ Read more: Dress As a Hot Dog on Princess Day, Win the Internet Forever from Jezebel