When Serving Sandwiches, Use This Instead of a Platter
We know it’s a little early to start talking about the holidays. Although, to be fair, we’ve already seen Christmas decorations on the shelves at T.J. Maxx! So, just hear us out.
This super-easy holiday cocktail party by Emily Henderson is Christmas-y without being over-the-top. And while it’s a perfect party to emulate come December, there was one extra-savvy element that we want to steal right now.
That one element? Sandwiches wrapped and piled into a bowl! We’ve served sandwiches at plenty of parties, and it’s always involved lots of stressing out over finding the perfect platters and then playing a Tetris-like game to get them to all fit together on the buffet.
The solution? Stack a bunch of sandwiches in a bowl and you don’t have to be so precious about it. (Of course, you do have to wrap them in parchment paper, so that the sandwiches don’t fall apart. Make sure you do that!)
And here’s a picture (above) where you can see the Christmas theme of the party. Another great idea to steal (when it actually is December): Throw some ornaments around all willy-nilly. Well, don’t actually throw them, because they can break. Gently place them around your table.
Get the full story: Super Easy Cocktail Party from Style by Emily Henderson