What One Serving of Fruits & Vegetables Looks Like
Did you know that over 90% of Americans don’t eat the daily recommended amounts of fruits and vegetables? The good news is that the recommendations have become simpler to follow — measured in cups instead of “servings” — and the even better news is that the people at CHOW have compiled a handy visual guide to exactly what a cup of the most common fruits and vegetables looks like.
In general, a person who eats about 2,000 calories a day should eat at least two cups of fruit and two and a half cups of vegetables every day. (For more specific guidelines based on age and physical activity, check out the CDC’s online calculator.)
Instead of cramming every serving of fruits or vegetables you eat into a measuring cup to figure out whether or not you’re hitting your target, take a look at CHOW’s guide, which transforms the idea of one cup into easier-to-visualize descriptions, like one large orange (a little bigger than a baseball) and four spears of asparagus.
• Check it out: How Many Fruits and Vegetables Should I Eat: A Visual Guide
Do you generally eat enough fruits and vegetables? If not, do you find a guide like this helpful?
(Image: CHOW)