What Defines “Kid-Friendly” Meals?
A few weeks ago in December we asked if you wouldn’t mind helping us out and sharing the meals you actually make, week in and week out, and what would be most helpful to you in meal-planning. Some of the answers were unequivocal: recipes and menus that are quick, easy to make after work, and make smart use of one or two ingredients throughout the week.
Another note that showed up quite a bit: Kid-friendly. I think that this element differs a lot between households and families, so I thought I’d throw it open for discussion: what makes a meal kid-friendly, for you?
Is it easy … for you? Light on spicy ingredients? Full of familiar foods like pasta and cherry tomatoes?
Or is there something else you have in mind when you say “kid-friendly”? Help us out and share your thoughts — we’ll put them to good use in recipe development this year!