Enough to eat, enough to give some away, enough to throw some away. Enough to relax a little. Enough to forget about it. Enough to share. Enough to keep it going. Enough to get distracted. Enough to put some aside for later. Enough to pick and choose. Enough to complain. Enough to roll around in it. Enough to scatter the seeds.
Enough to make it an abstraction. Enough to experiment. Enough to obsess. Enough to pretend there isn’t really enough. Enough to make a mistake or two. Enough to let some of it spoil. Enough to be creative. Enough to strain the broth and discard the solids.Enough to pass the test. Enough to contemplate the absurd. Enough to be satisfied. Enough to guard against fear. Enough to fill a book.
Enough to notice there’s enough.
Enough to stay alive. Enough to be generous. Enough to discover joy. Enough to eat. Knowing how much is enough is a very useful thing in cooking and in life. What do you think? Do you have a handle on this question? How much is enough?
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I hope you enjoyed this encore Weekend Meditation, originally posted in January, 2009. I will be posting these vintage posts every Sunday (with the occasional new post, if I can manage!) for the next several months while I focus on writing my first book.