Turn a Pumpkin into a Halloween Ice Bucket
The idea is simple enough — cut open a pumpkin, fill it with ice, and add tasty beverages. But if you’ve ever attempted do this yourself, you know there is more to this magic that meets the eye. Here are three tips for a better pumpkin ice bucket.
1. Look for a really big pumpkin.
Most pumpkins have interiors that are at least one inch thick. While the pumpkin might be large on the outside, it is going to have a smaller interior than you think. Look for a wide, deep pumpkin that sits nice and flat.
2. Cut off the top.
Instead of cutting a small hole around the pumpkin’s stem like we do when carving jack-o’-lanterns, here you need to cut the entire top off. Draw a guideline in pencil before using a large serrated knife to remove the top. Then use a sharp spoon to scoop out the seeds and fleshy interior.
3. Line the pumpkin.
As the drinks chill and the ice melts, there will be water both on the inside of the pumpkin and the outside from condensation. Unless you want water all over your tablecloth, line the inside of pumpkin. Ideally we’d all have a bowl or Tupperware container that fits perfectly inside the pumpkin, but if you don’t, just line the pumpkin with a few layers of heavy-duty aluminum foil.