The One Wasteful Thing You Should Actually Splurge On
We all like saving money, and the idea of not being wasteful. And while I try to keep as much cash in my pocket and junk out of the landfills as possible, there’s one time when I do splurge on a very wasteful thing.
What is it? Keep reading to find out.
I’m talking about trash bags!
I like to joke that trash bags are the only things people buy with the express purpose of throwing away. Sure, you throw paper towels away, too, but first, they wipe stuff down and absorb spills. Trash bags literally go from their box directly into your trash can. I hate spending money on something I’m just going to throw away! And yet, I strongly feel that trash bags are the one thing you should never buy on the cheap.
You see, I’ve bought off-brand kitchen trash bags from my local Family Dollar and have always lived to regret it. I’ve had drawstring bags where the string holes are right next to each other (versus across from each other) and the bag fails to cinch. I’ve had other bags that are so thin, they can’t handle the vacuum that happens when they’re pulled from the bin and the plastic rips under pressure. Then there are others that are just too thin to begin with. These less-than-ideal trash bags are always more trouble than the few-dollar savings are worth.
After years of cleaning up spilled garbage and way-too frustrating trash nights, I’ve learned it’s just better to spend the extra bucks to have a seamless trash-emptying experience. Of course, if I can use a coupon or find a sale on a name-brand bag, I totally take advantage and stock up. I just no longer buy trash bags based on the lowest price.
3 Kitchen Trash Bags We Love
- Glad Tall Drawstring Trash Bags, $13 for 90
- simplehuman Tall Kitchen Extra Strong Trash Bags, $23 for 60
- Hefty Strong Trash Bags, $15 for 120
What about you? Do you have a brand that you always stick to or do you take a chance with whatever’s on sale?