Trailer, RV, and Garbage Truck: Very Mobile Kitchens
Have you ever cooked in a mobile kitchen? Maybe one in a boat, or in a bus? We noticed that there were at least two mobile entries in this year’s Small Cool contest; here’s a look at their kitchens, plus a couple of mobile kitchens from the archives too.
Some of these have storage to envy, and we might not have even realized they were on a bus or in an RV!
• 1 Small Cool 2009: Cortny’s Teeny-tiny Texas Trailer – From Small Cool 2009. We love the shelf above the sink!
• 2 Cynthia’s Austin RV Lifestyle – Also from Small Cool 2009. This RV kitchen feels like one from a bright, compact apartment. They ripped out a lot of the built-in furniture to give the place an updated and brighter look.
• 3 The Janssen Family’s Roving Abode – A “house” tour from the archives. The Janssens are traveling the country in a bus! We really like their kitchen; you can see more of it here.
• 4 & 5 Small Space Living…In a Garbage Truck – This kitchen, though, takes the high/low prize. It’s in a converted garbage truck, but now it has hardwood floors and completely custom storage. Gorgeous!
Related: More Small Kitchens from Small Cool 2009