People Are Just Now Discovering This Hidden Secret About Trader Joe’s
As a food writer, I usually start every morning by checking my Apple News app for the latest stories (and recipes!). But right after that, I love scrolling through TikTok to catch up on viral cooking ideas and trends. Occasionally, I’ll come across a geeky food deep dive, and I love using my journalistic skills to determine whether the claims made by creators are valid.
This scenario actually happened to me pretty recently. While scrolling on the app, I came across a clip from @felifromgermany, a TikTok creator who shared a shocking secret about the ownership of Trader Joe’s.
Shoppers raced to the comments to share their thoughts on this revelation. “This explains why I’ve seen Trader Joe’s products in Aldi Spain,” one person said. “Love both TJ’s and Aldi, but never knew the German connection on either. So cool!”
Having worked in the industry for years, I’ve always been aware of the connection, but many shoppers are just now learning that Aldi owns Trader Joe’s. The Kitchn has reported on this topic in the past, and based on my fact-checking, the creator’s claims are accurate.
Here’s what you need to know: In 1946, German brothers Theo and Karl Albrecht expanded their mother’s grocery store and renamed it Aldi. After working together for over a decade, the brothers split the company, with Theo running Aldi Nord in the northern part of Germany and Karl running Aldi Süd in the southern part of the country.
Aldi Süd now operates grocery stores in southern Germany, the U.K., Ireland, Australia, China, and the U.S. Aldi Nord operates in Belgium, France, the Netherlands, Poland, and Spain. In 1979, Aldi Nord acquired Trader Joe’s, and as the brand grew in popularity, Aldi Süd eventually expanded it to the U.S.
The two brothers originally ran the company, each controlling their respective halves, but the leadership structure has since shifted. The Albrecht family still owns the company, but executives now manage it, continuing the brothers’ legacy of stocking shelves with affordable groceries.