Bake with Precision with Our Favorite Measuring Spoons (on Sale Now)
You pride yourself on not measuring things when you cook — a little dash of this, a pinch of that. Baking, however, is a science. If you don’t measure things like baking soda or sugar, you’re going to end up with a disaster on your hands.
You need a set of measuring spoons. And not just any measuring spoons (you’d seriously be amazed at how many aren’t accurate!) — ideally, you’d have these Prepworks by Progressive Magnetic Measuring Spoons, which are our favorites and also happen to be on sale.
Buy Them!
What’s so great about these? Aside from the fact that they measure out the amounts they’re supposed to? Here’s a little list.
1. They’re magnetic.
Ever find yourself searching through kitchen drawers, trying to find that wayward teaspoon? Not anymore. The set has built-in magnets and is designed so they nest together neatly, saving space and eliminating the search altogether.
2. They sit flat.
They have flat bases so they lay flat on your countertop, reducing spillage.
3. They’re narrow.
They have tapered ends designed to fit into the narrow mouths of spice jars. This way you can actually measure out a 1/4 teaspoon of cumin without getting powder all over your counter.
While you’re at it, consider buying more than one set: The Wisdom of Owning More than One Set of Measuring Cups and Spoons