The Oscar Swag Bags This Year Are Worth Over $100,000
Remember when you were little and you went to your friend’s birthday party and before you left their mom pulled out those sweet swag bags that involved trivial stuff that you didn’t really need, but you loved anyway? The Oscars are totally like that, but their swag bags are, well, incredible. Also, they are worth over $100,000. So, there’s that.
The celebrity swag bags are given out by Distinctive Assets, the famous marketing company that puts these bags together every year (not the Oscars themselves). When I first read through the list of exciting things inside, my jaw totally dropped.
At the high end, the swag bags include things like conflict-free diamond jewelry, and trips to both Hawaii and Tanzania. The bags also feature skin care products, cookbooks, candles, and of course food.
So what food and gourmet snacks do you give celebrities? Let me break it down for you.
First up: Jarritos. No, seriously. They will all receive 12 bottles of this tasty Mexican soda. Holding down the alcohol corner is Southern Wicked Lemonade, with some moonshine. The carb count skyrockets with the inclusion of an $80 set of gourmet pretzels from Posh Pretzels. Then there’s some questionable detox teas from Quincey Herbals, a special-looking lunch box, gourmet vegan lollipops from Delicacies, and edible chocolate jewelry from Chocolatines. My favorite gift, however, might be the locally grown oranges from Epifruit, which sound pretty delightful.
Read the full list: Oscar gift bag: Nominees get these outrageous products (that aren’t Academy-sanctioned) from USA Today