Heart Attack Free Diet: CNN’s Dr. Sanjay Gupta’s Advice
Did you catch CNN’s special on the heart attack proof diet Sunday night? Dr. Sanjay Gupta profiled several Americans who were at risk or had already experienced a heart attack, including President Bill Clinton, and came to a singular conclusion: heart disease is essentially a foodborne illness. And some doctors believe one specific diet is the cure.
You’ve probably heard that President Bill Clinton has drastically changed his diet as of late. Once well known for his love of burgers and fries, the former president now follows a strictly vegan path. He spoke with Dr. Gupta about how crucial he believes this change will be for his health and specifically his risk of having a heart attack.
Dr. Gupta also endorses a strict vegan diet, but notes that it’s not for those who are only semi-committed. Doctors he interviewed agreed that a vegan diet can be tremendous for one’s health, but that it’s a tough sell on the average American. However difficult the transition may be, some doctors believe the diet can literally cure Americans of heart disease, regardless of family history.
Have you changed your diet for your health? Could you go vegan if it meant being “heart attack proof?”
• Read more: The ‘heart attack proof’ diet? at CNN
Vegan Dinners! 15 Vegan Dinner Recipes from The Kitchn
(Image and video: CNN)