The Best Way to Store Whisks in a Drawer
Almost a year ago, I participated in The Kitchn Cure. I cannot recommend it enough. The Cure forced me to take a look at all the things in the kitchen I wasn’t doing, and all the little things I was doing that were annoying me. Miraculously, The Cure stuck and most of my kitchen is still in pretty good shape.
One of the best things I did was one of the simplest, and it didn’t cost a cent — I figured out how to store whisks so that they didn’t jam my drawers every time I opened them.
Every time I opened one of my shallow kitchen drawers, one of the whisk wires would get stuck and become bent. It may seem like a little thing, but it really irritated me. And I would make it worse as I tried to wrench open the drawer. My whisks had to be reshaped every time I wanted to use them, and the simple opening of a drawer was a major production!
Though I could have stored them in deeper drawers, I love being able to see all my utensils in a shallow drawer. The solution was simple: those little green rubber bands hanging on one of our kitchen knobs did the trick of wrangling in the awkward wires of the whisks.
When I put a whisk away, the rubber band goes around the wires. When I need to use a whisk, the rubber band stays in the drawer. This also reminds the less observant people in my family where the whisks go when they empty the dishwasher. Hooray!
What little things have you done in the kitchen that make you happy?