Take This DNA Test to Find Your New Favorite Bottle of Wine
Wine tasting is one way to see what blends you like. Another way? A DNA test. Now, thanks to a company called Vinome, you can use your DNA to navigate your way to the perfect bottle of vino.
Vinome was founded by a team of genetic scientists and wine experts in 2015. Using genetic analysis, the company determines what bottles are best suited to your preferences. The concept is simple: Your flavor and scent preferences are largely rooted in your genetics and, as such, your genetics can tell you what wine you’d enjoy. According to the company, they will “analyze your DNA and taste preferences, then match you with hard-to-find wines selected for your unique palate.”
“I always tell people that the taste quiz that you took gets us into your neighborhood and the genetics get us onto your street, in terms of giving us specificity around the flavor profile,” Vinome CEO Ronnie Andrews tells Business Insider.
The first step is to take a survey that informs the company of your taste preferences. Then, they deliver a saliva kit to your doorstep and you provide them with a sample of your DNA, which will later be analyzed for key genetic variants. A wine-matching algorithm takes several variables into account — your DNA, your environment, your survey answers — to put you in one of eight profiles that range from Vibrant Grove (crisp citrus) to the Big Bold (rich and complex).
In just a couple of weeks, consumers can shop their online store for custom curated results. Also, the more a user rates and reviews bottles, the better the company can match them for future wine selections.
Learn more: Your DNA Guide to Wines You’ll Love from Vinome
Would you take this test to find your perfect bottle of wine? Let us know in the comments!