Follow these steps and you’ll end up with a cute and classic jack-o’-lantern with easy, no-fuss cleanup afterwards.
Set up your workspace and gather all supplies.
Use the permanent marker to sketch out eyes, a nose, and a toothy grin.
Outline a circular lid around the pumpkin stem, about 5 to 6 inches in diameter.
Cut out pumpkin lid with a slim pumpkin carving knife.
Scoop out insides of the pumpkin and discard.
Wipe off outside of the pumpkin so that it will be easier and safer to carve.
Cut out the design along the lines, removing the pieces and discarding them.
Clean up any stringy pieces or jagged lines with an X-ACTO knife.
Insert a tea light candle in the bottom of pumpkin to light it.
Clean and dry the pumpkin seeds, then toss with oil, salt, and any desired seasonings, and roast in a low oven until golden brown.