People Are Obsessed with This Iridescent Starbucks Tumbler
If you missed out on Starbucks’ free, reusable red cups last Friday (and we know people were MAD about this), there’s still a way to get into the reusable holiday spirit.
Starbucks kicked off its 90-day Countdown to Christmas in September by introducing new reusable holiday cups and mugs, and they are all pretty fantastic. There’s a black sequin one that is gorgeous, and a rose gold tumbler that seems to be pretty popular, but there’s one tumbler in particular that is blowing up on Instagram and Starbucks’ secret Facebook group, the Leaf Rakers Society: the iridescent cold cup.
This over-the-top tumbler looks like the happy union between unicorn tears and a mermaid’s tail. It’s like a diamond exploded on your coffee cup. People all over Facebook and Instagram have been posting videos of their new tumblers shimmering in the light and it’s so extra.
This new 24-ounce tumbler retails at $18.95 and is available for purchase at participating Starbucks — although many people have reported that their local ‘bucks didn’t have them in stock (probably because they’re flying off the shelves). I would call in advance to make sure you get one.
So, sorry you didn’t get the free reusable cup, but really you’re not missing out on *that* good of a deal, and the other holiday cups — including this shiny, iridescent one – are pretty damn great.