How to Remove Salmon Skin Without a KnifeSkills
You don’t even need a knife.
How to Defrost Salmon: The Easiest MethodSkills
Yes, frozen salmon can taste nearly as good as fresh — you just have to defrost it the right way.
Make Salmon Look and Taste Better Every Time With BriningSkills
There’s a lot to love about cooking salmon at home. It’s relatively affordable (as far as seafood goes), super versatile, delicious, and for bonus points, it cooks quickly. But there is one thing that can prove pretty bothersome: the film of white albumin that sometimes leaches from the fish as it cooks. There’s an easy and nearly foolproof step to seriously reduce, if not eliminate, that icky white albumin altogether. I’m talking about brining!
Why Your Salmon Turned Out Dry (& How to Fix It!)Skills
These simple steps will ensure perfectly flaky salmon, every single time.
We Tried 5 Methods for Cooking Melt-in-Your-Mouth Salmon. We Found a Winner!
Skills Showdown
Perfect salmon, every time, thanks to a little technique we don't often use on fish.
5 Mistakes to Avoid When Cooking SalmonSkills
When it comes to cooking salmon, versatility reigns. This is a fish that works with a huge variety of flavor combinations, and you can take your pick of cooking method. Dress it up for a dinner party with a slow roast, or keep it casual for a mid-week meal with a quick sear for a grain bowl. Either way, you can get salmon on the table pretty quickly. But before you turn on the heat, don’t let these blunders get in the way of your perfect salmon dinner.
This 3-Ingredient Salmon Dish Uses a Surprising Retro IngredientSkills
A small amount of it goes a long way.
We Tested 5 Ways of Grilling Salmon and Found a New Go-to MethodSkills
It's super-easy and the fish doesn't stick to the grill.
Ingredient Spotlight: Salmon Roe (Ikura)Skills
I just love getting ikura sushi – those jewel-like, glistening orange balls of salty goodness are the eggs, or roe of salmon. They’re delicious, sustainable, and economical. They also have a wonderful mouthfeel. Where do you buy it and what do you do with it?The Monterey Bay Aquarium’s Seafood Watch ranks it as a “Best Choice” in sustainability. Ikura is the fully-ripe ovaries of salmon, and ranges from dark orange to reddish-orange in color.
May 12, 2022
Our Salmon Cheat SheetSkills
Here are the main types of salmon you'll find for sale in the United States, plus the best ways to cook each one.
May 2, 2022
Martha Stewart’s Tip for Cooking Salmon Will Deliver the Juiciest Results You’ve Ever SeenSkills
It'll change the way you cook fish from here on out.
Apr 27, 2022
This Is How to Cook Fish Perfectly Every Time
Kitchn Cooking School
Never hesitate at the fish counter again.
Oct 8, 2020
What’s the Difference Between Smoked Salmon and Lox?Skills
When you’re talking about a topping for bagels and cream cheese, lox is the name most tossed around — it just sounds natural to order a bagel with lox and cream cheese. But is lox really just smoked salmon? Here’s a guide to what lox really is, as well as a primer on how different types of smoked salmon are made. Lox was traditionally only made from the belly of salmon, although other parts of the fish are now also used.
May 2, 2019
Cooking Salmon: Tips for Minimizing That Weird White StuffSkills
If you’ve ever cooked salmon, you’ve probably noticed an unappetizing white, chunky foam appear on the surface of the fish. It’s called albumin and the folks at America’s Test Kitchen recently shared some insight on how it forms and what you can do to minimize it. Albumin is a protein that is pushed out of the muscle fibers of the fish as it cooks, coagulating on the surface.
May 2, 2019
7 Ways to Eat Canned Salmon for DinnerSkills
I used to turn up my nose at canned salmon — and canned fish in general —but I’ve come to realize there is no better and more affordable way to incorporate healthy fish into your diet on a weekly basis. And as a busy grad student, I always appreciate having a shelf-stable protein on hand for quick weeknight dinners. And canned salmon is tasty! Here are some of my favorite ways to turn a humble can of salmon into a satisfying dinner. • 1 Make it into cakes.
May 2, 2019
Why Does My Salmon Taste So Fishy?Skills
Q: I love wild Alaskan salmon, and where I live in Texas, the salmon has all been previously frozen. When I buy salmon in the fish case, it is delicious, but when I buy frozen salmon and thaw it myself, it always tastes fishy. Why is this? Am I thawing it wrong, or has it been thawed and re-frozen? It’s so convenient to have salmon in the freezer, is there any way it can be as delicious as the salmon in the fish case? Thanks! Sent by Sue Editor: Readers, any thoughts on this?
May 2, 2019
5 Easy Ways to Make Salmon Even More DeliciousSkills
Salmon is full of good fats and is easy and quick to cook, making it a great choice to have in your regular dinner rotation. But just having a plain piece of seared, baked, or grilled salmon can get boring quickly, so here are five easy ways to jazz it up! Herbs add a ton of fresh flavor that enhance the fish without overpowering it. Toss whatever herbs you have on hand with a little oil and citrus juice and you’re golden. Don’t have the time? A store-bought pesto is just fine too.
May 1, 2019
Can You Really Cook Salmon in a Dishwasher?Skills
I’m a fan of simple home cooking and tend to stick to tried-and-true cooking methods, but my interest was piqued when I read that you could cook salmon in a dishwasher. Salmon? In a dishwasher? It sounded way too good to be true and, to be honest, a bit of a scary endeavor, but I gave it a whirl to see what this unconventional method of cooking was all about! Is this a genuine good tip? Seems hard to believe! It turns out that cooking salmon in a dishwasher is not a new fad.
May 1, 2019
5 Guidelines for Cooking Perfect Salmon Every TimeSkills
Salmon can be a simple weeknight dinner, but it’s a fish that can also carry its weight as a fancy meal for a weekend date night or dinner party main course. It’s all about how you cook it (the ways are many!) and how you dress it up. Here are five essentials to help you confidently cook delicious salmon every time. Yes, you did indeed read that correctly, and trust me, we were all just as surprised as you are right now.
May 1, 2019
What’s the Difference Between Farmed and Wild Salmon?Skills
There are so many food production concerns these days, whether it’s about pesticides, GMOs, or sustainable meat or fish. It’s nearly impossible to tackle them all and tackle them successfully — especially when the best answer isn’t always clear. And that’s exactly the case when it comes to choosing between farmed and wild salmon. If you’ve come across the topic before, you know that it’s one that’s been hotly debated.
May 1, 2019
5 Essential Tips for Buying and Cooking Salmon Like a ProSkills
Salmon is the darling, do-it-all fish of the seafood section. It delivers when you need a quick and simple weeknight meal, knows how to pull its weight as the star of a dinner party, and can even be a hands-off affair. This is the kind of fish you can rely on. Even if it has a regular place in your dinner lineup, here are five helpful tips to keep in your back pocket. Despite what you may have been told, the color of the flesh does not necessarily indicate a better piece of fish.
May 1, 2019
What’s That Weird Stuff Coming Out of Salmon?Skills
You went to the store, bought yourself a gorgeous, pinky-red fillet of salmon, came home and cooked it just like the recipe said, and all of a sudden this white, filmy gunk has begun to seep out of your beautiful fish. Not cool salmon, not cool. So, what exactly is this stuff? What causes it to show up, and is there anything you can do to prevent it? Alright, let’s get straight to it. The white stuff (or albumin) is coagulated protein, not fat, which in my opinion is a relief.
May 1, 2019
10 Ways to Make a Meal Out of Frozen SalmonSkills
Frozen salmon fillets are a freezer staple these days. Keep a few fillets on hand and you have a healthy meal on your hands at all times without having to run to the fish market on your way home. Transfer a portion or two to the fridge in the morning to defrost, and in the evening you’ll have countless options for dinner. Here are 10 ideas to get you started. Salmon might not be the first fish that comes to mind when you’re thinking tacos, but it makes for some seriously tasty ones.
May 1, 2019
Turn Your Leftover Sweet Potatoes Into Something New for DinnerSkills
While I don’t know anyone who considers leftover sweet potatoes a problem, I want to share a tip for giving them a spectacular second life. Three words: whipped sweet potatoes. Here’s what to do: Peel and puree any leftover cooked sweet potatoes and whisk them in a pan over medium heat with a generous amount of butter and a splash of heavy cream. Sprinkle in a couple pinches of salt and you’ve got whipped sweet potatoes.
Jan 7, 2015
From the Ocean to the Smokehouse: Preserving Salmon in AlaskaSkills
It was raining on the day I visited Kim Moler’s home in Kake, Alaska. This should not have been unusual, given that this part of Southeast Alaska gets over 100 inches of rain every year. But the sky had been dry for weeks, and residents were grateful for the muddy puddles and the chance to fill their water tanks.Why was I in Kake that morning? I was there to watch Kim fillet a dozen wild sockeye salmon to string up in her backyard smokehouse. A dozen, you say? At least.
Aug 8, 2013