Dairy Milk In Skills
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Two Amazing Cheese Appetizers from Italy
I spent a bit of time in Italy last month and came away with a lot of cheese fodder. Hard to pick just one thing to highlight. Two of my favorites are easily replicable now that I’m back home, and they’re both super simple, super elegant starters. Or rather, aperitivi. The first contains just four ingredients, and would be equally welcome as a starter or a dessert: Figs, pomegranate seeds, olive oil, and plum-sized balls of fresh mozzarella.
May 2, 2019
Ideas for Grilled Sandwiches That Don’t Use Cheese?
Q: A big bowl of soup is a perfectly complete meal for me, but my boyfriend needs more with his soup. I’d like to begin serving him grilled sandwiches with his soup, but all the interesting recipes I’ve found include cheese as the star of the sandwich. And he doesn’t like cheese. Are there any other ways to make grilled sandwiches awesome without cheese?
May 2, 2019
Check ‘Em Out! Formaggio Kitchen’s Exclusive French Imports
I recently had the serious pleasure of tasting some pretty special French cheese. They’re the style of cheese with the oldest cheesemaking history in the world: mountain varieties from the French Pyrenees, made with raw sheep milk. And thanks to Formaggio Kitchen, you can taste them, too. Have you been to Formaggio Kitchen? They’re a Cambridge specialty cheese shop that’s been around for over 30 years.
May 2, 2019
Cheese For a Crowd: A Formula for Deciding How Much Cheese to Buy
Do you serve cheese for Thanksgiving? Or maybe you’re bringing it along as your contribution? How do you know just exactly how much to purchase, so you have just the right amount? Nothing worse than not enough cheese, right? (Though leftover cheese ain’t that bad.) There’s a little formula that you might not know about, which could inform your wedge-choosing this Thanksgiving day.
May 2, 2019
One More Reason Not to Buy Pre-Grated Cheese
The other week, a friend brought over some pre-grated Parmigiano-Reggiano to cook with. It was from a nice cheese shop, and you could tell that the cheese had been grated very recently. It tasted good and wasn’t dry or dusty. I was impressed with the quality, and the convenience factor was pretty high. But we didn’t use all of it. And now I have one more reason why I will never buy cheese pre-grated. It molded. And quickly, too.
May 2, 2019
What Do You Drink While Eating Cookies?
Dunking your cookie in a cold glass of milk is the first thing you think of when asked for a good cookie pairing. It’s an iconic, if not one of the most important, food pairings of all time. But if you don’t like milk (or even soy milk), what are you supposed to drink? Trying to find a good cookie pairing, of course, is all relative to the actual cookie. Milk might pair well with a classic chocolate chip cookie, but it just doesn’t really seem appealing for others.
May 2, 2019
The Best Way to Quickly Bring Cold Cheese to Room Temperature
It’s pretty well-understood now that cheese at room temperature equals happy cheese. Held at that frigid, refrigerator temperature, cheese is left paralyzed at a flavor standstill, but with a little warmth, fat and protein molecules loosen up a bit. But how oh how to emulate cheese that’s been treated to room temperature for the suggested hour before eating, if you haven’t succeeded in anticipating properly?
May 2, 2019
The Best Cheeses For Tacos: Plus 8 Cheesy Taco Filling Ideas
The other day, I was perusing the internet for some new ideas for an upcoming Super Bowl party. Somehow, after wandering down a meandering web path of odd finger foods and less-than-stellar game day snacks, I had a revelation about tacos. And cheese. Read on for eight new thoughts on taco fillings and cheeses to accompany them. Want the taco pictured above?
May 2, 2019
Yes, Pregnant Women Can Eat Good Cheese: Pregnancy-Safe Cheese Ideas for a Baby Shower
The conversation over what kind of cheese is cool for consumption during pregnancy has got to be one of the more polarizing debates among cheese-eaters-with-child.
May 2, 2019
5 Mistakes to Avoid When Making Mac & Cheese
If there was ever a food so comforting it could reach out and give you a warm hug, it’s homemade macaroni and cheese. A bowl full of carbs enveloped in rich, ultra creamy, melted cheese — in my book, it’s the ultimate comfort food. And as for making it? It’s easier than you think. Before you start grating the cheese (because, yes, you should always grate your own), be sure to avoid these common mac and cheese mistakes. Make It Now!
May 1, 2019
Shredded Butternut “Cheddar” Is My Alternative to Shredded Cheese
My daughter’s first word was cheese — a developmental milestone that delighted my husband and I greatly. Like many American kids, a nibble on cheddar provided one of her first culinary adventures. And to this day, the sight of Parmesan, brie, or anything cheese-like elicits an almost apoplectic reaction. The kid loves cheese. So did I. Especially the orange kind. Whether it came from a block, grated, or in plastic-wrapped slices, cheddar played a very prominent role in my early life.
May 1, 2019
What’s the Best Kind of Cheese to Use in Meatloaf?
Q: What’s the best kind of cheese to mix into meatloaf? I’m looking for something that will stay in place when it’s done cooking, and not overly melty. Sent by Jammy Editor: Though I don’t have it often, meatloaf is one of my favorite comfort foods. I’ve never made it with cheese, but I can only imagine that it makes it even better. Cheeses like mozzarella, gouda, and fontina all seems like good choices for meatloaf.
May 1, 2019
What Can You Do with the Leftover Pulp from Making Soy Milk?
Q: Thanks very much for the soy milk recipe. I’m not overwhelmed by the idea anymore and I’m keen to get started. I just have one question. What do you do with the pulp/curd leftover from grinding the soybeans? Is that what you use to make tofu? Sent by Helen Editor: Tofu is made by setting soy milk with a coagulant and does not use the leftover pulp, also known as okara, from making the soy milk itself.
May 1, 2019
Baking School Day 6: All About Butter and Baking
The Kitchn’s Baking School Day 6: All about butter. Join The Kitchn’s Baking School: Sign up and see all The Kitchn’s Baking School assignments It would be near impossible to talk about all these pastries and baked goods without discussing one big key ingredient: butter! Want tender biscuits and a flaky pie crust? Butter is the answer. Looking for moist, delicate cakes? You’ll need butter. Creamy frostings? Yup, you guessed it — butter is the key.
May 1, 2019
What’s the Best Way to Reheat Mac & Cheese?
Q: Not having grown up in the States, I didn’t know about mac and cheese until they started stocking it in the shelves here a few years ago. I always keep a box around in case of a hurried meal, but I’ve noticed that it just doesn’t taste as good when I reheat the leftovers. I’ve tried using the microwave and oven, but the leftovers were still not as good as when fresh. Is there a way to reheat it without ruining the texture or flavor?
May 1, 2019
What Kind of Milk Should I Use in Recipes?
Q: When a recipe calls for “milk,” what type do you use? I always have skim, 2%, and half & half in the refrigerator. I tend to go for the half and half, but I’m curious what the experts say. Sent by Kelly Editor: In the test kitchens where I’ve worked, we tended to default to whole milk when developing recipes. However, if a recipe doesn’t specify what kind of milk, I feel that you can use whole milk, 2%, or even 1% milk with generally the same results.
May 1, 2019
What Are Some Non-Cow’s Milk Cheeses I Can Use on Pizza?
Q: For several years I have not been able to eat cow’s milk cheese due to the way my skin reacts. However, other cheeses and dairy are OK (i.e., goat cheese, sheep’s milk cheese, etc.). This dietary restriction really isn’t so bad, the only thing I miss dearly is pizza! I’m wondering if anyone has any suggestions for types of non-cow’s milk cheese to use that could offer a similar satisfaction as mozzarella might on pizza?
May 1, 2019
5 Mistakes to Avoid When Making Grilled Cheese
The grilled cheese sandwich is a classic. Perfectly melted and oozy cheese, sandwiched between two golden, crisp, buttery slices of bread — it’s simple, comforting, and utterly timeless. It’s one of the first things we learn to cook, and one we carry with us through the years. But as basic as this sandwich is, there are a few hang-ups that could stand between you and the grilled cheese of your dreams. Don’t let it happen to you.
May 1, 2019
5 Things to Pair with Cheese for Your Afternoon Snack
You know the feeling well: It’s the middle of the afternoon on a work day, or that time just before you start to make dinner, and you need a little boost. If you’re like me, you’re reaching straight for some cheese. With the right balance of protein and fat, a few slices are just what I need to tide me over. And of course, the only thing better than cheese on its own is when it’s paired with something else.
May 1, 2019
Do the French Know the Best Secret for Cooking Dairy in the Slow Cooker?
While classic French cuisine certainly doesn’t make use of a slow cooker, it’s no stranger to dairy. This is an ingredient the French know well; they’re masters of turning milk and cream into a whole world of rich foods. In fact, we can learn one of our most important tips about cooking dairy in the slow cooker from them. From dips and soups, to sauces and desserts, there are a lot of slow-cooker recipes that rely on dairy products.
May 1, 2019
What Is Sweet Cream Butter?
Take a close look at the wrapper around any stick of butter, and you’ll get some helpful information about what’s inside. Yes, it indicates whether the stick is salted or unsalted, and there are measurement markings, but there’s more. You might also see your butter labeled as “sweet cream butter,” but what exactly does that mean? The term “sweet cream” simply refers to the butter’s main ingredient.
May 1, 2019
5 Mistakes to Avoid When Making Brown Butter
Rich and nutty brown butter is a powerful ingredient that can transform just about any recipe into something truly magical. Making it can be tricky, though, so it’s helpful to know about the pitfalls before you get started. Even if you plan to use a whole stick for brown butter, it’s best not to add it to the pan without cutting it into pieces first. And how you cut the butter is just as important.
May 1, 2019
5 Simple and Surprising Ways to Use Buttermilk
Buttermilk is that wonderful, tangy ingredient that helps us make mouthwatering biscuits, ultra-fluffy pancakes, and rich salad dressings. But there’s more magic to be had with all the other amazing (and surprising) ways it can be used. I used to approach recipes that listed buttermilk as an ingredient with serious trepidation.
May 1, 2019
What’s the Difference Between Greek, Icelandic, and Australian Yogurt?
Perusing the dairy aisle for yogurt at the grocery store used to be simple. There would be just a shelf or two, with a couple brands of plain, vanilla, and maybe fruit-on-the-bottom yogurt. Really, the biggest decision you had to make was the flavor. Nowadays, there’s even more to consider — including which country influenced the style of the yogurt. Beyond traditional thin yogurt, extra-thick yogurts have been — and continue to be — all the rage on the shelves.
May 1, 2019
5 Popular Mexican Cheeses to Stock Up on Right Now
When you think about cheese, what kinds come to mind? For most of us, it’s probably a lineup of the usual suspects — a list of favorites we reach for on a regular basis. (Cheddar and mozzarella, anyone?) But there are quite a few delicious cheese options that hail from Mexico — and they’re ready to do more than stuff a quesadilla.
May 1, 2019
Why Do Some Baking Recipes Call for Scalded Milk?
Every once in a while, you may come across a recipe that calls for scalding the milk. This process involves heating the milk until just before it comes to a boil, when bubbles appear around the edge of the pan and an instant-read thermometer reads between 180°F and 185°F. The milk is then cooled for about five to 10 minutes to bring it to room temperature. It all seems pretty fussy — so is it really necessary? The truth is that yes, it is.
May 1, 2019
The Diner-Approved Method for Your Ultimate Summer Milkshake
There’s a whole lot to love about an old-fashioned diner — the extra-fluffy pancakes, the greasy hamburgers, and the crispy home fries — but perhaps the best part are the milkshakes. A diner milkshake isn’t just any ol’ milkshake; it’s arguably a superior milkshake, and that’s because they do this one special thing. The secret to a diner milkshake is the shot of syrup added to the mix when blending the ice cream and milk.
May 1, 2019
The 9 Types of Mozzarella to Go with Tomatoes
Once you’ve tasted fresh mozzarella, nothing else compares. Forget the shredded stuff and ditch the block of low-moisture mozz — soft, fresh mozzarella is milky perfection. And that’s particularly true when it’s paired with its best counterpart: tomatoes. Whether you’re serving sweet, juicy in-season tomatoes with mozzarella for a caprese salad, sandwich, pizza, you have plenty of choices for which kind of fresh mozzarella to use.
May 1, 2019
Instantly Upgrade Basic Muffin Mix with Shredded Cheddar and Jalapeños
If you tend to go for savory over sweet and like to spice things up, this is the two-ingredient muffin upgrade for you. We’re starting with our basic muffin recipe and giving it a savory, cheesy spin and a tangy kick from pickled jalapeños. Using canned peppers gives these muffins a tamer heat, not to mention makes them a pantry-friendly recipe. To balance the flavor, creamy cheddar is folded into the batter, with more sprinkled on top before baking.
May 1, 2019
5 Things Everyone Should Know About Mac & Cheese
In my house, every season is mac and cheese season. Stovetop mac and cheese feeds our craving in the spring and summer, tossed with fresh peas or ripe tomatoes. Come fall and winter, baked mac and cheese reigns supreme. Mac and cheese can be a quick weeknight dinner or a hearty side dish for holidays and get-togethers. So whether you need a single serving or you are baking a big ol’ casserole, here are five things everyone needs to know about mac and cheese.
May 1, 2019
Recipe: Savory Hazelnut and Cauliflower Nut Loaf with Mushroom Sauce
The vegetarian nut loaf gets dressed up for Thanksgiving.
May 1, 2019
How a Snack Board Is Different from a Cheese Board
Cheese boards tend to have some rules, or perhaps they’re more like guidelines, to make them successful: Choose one aged cheese, one soft cheese, something runny. Even with the best suggestions (here are ours) they can feel overwhelming — and expensive. And they’re not really a complete meal.
May 1, 2019
The Fastest, Fanciest Way to Upgrade Boxed Mac and Cheese
A box of instant macaroni and cheese carries a reputation of ease and comfort. While fancy isn’t usually the first thing that comes to mind, it can be if you know how to dress it up. The fastest, fanciest upgrade is something you may already have in your pantry at this very moment. I am talking about good ol’ garlicky, herby pesto.
May 1, 2019
Add More Cheese to Your Boxed Mac and Cheese
The powdered cheese that comes in your box of instant mac and cheese does a very good job of coating the noodles in salty and savory flavor. You could leave well enough alone, but a bit of over-indulgence never hurt anyone. So adding more cheese — be it cheddar, soft goat, or even blue — to the pot is more than OK. It’s one of the easiest ways to build in an extra layer of flavor to your standard box of instant mac and cheese.
May 1, 2019
Swirl Marinara Sauce into Your Mac and Cheese
For those nights when you find yourself torn between a bowl of macaroni and cheese and a bowl of spaghetti, know that you can have both. Go right ahead and swirl some of your favorite marinara sauce into your mac and cheese for your sauciest bowl yet! Marinara sauce, with its garlic- and tomato-forward flavor, can completely transform your macaroni and cheese. It’s a simple addition that takes no effort — especially if you reach for the half-full jar stashed in the fridge.
May 1, 2019
3 Tips for Making Cheese Balls Ahead
A cheese ball gets props for being a party food that’s incredibly easy to assemble. It requires just a short list of ingredients and can quickly become the hit of the party when paired with crudité and more. It does, however, require a little time to make, since the cheese needs to come to room temperature before forming the ball and then needs to firm back up in the refrigerator before serving.
May 1, 2019
5 Ways to Use Up a Leftover Cheese Ball
We continue to profess our love for the cheese ball — it’s a party food that’s versatile, easy, and, most importantly, fun. But after the party is over, even if that cheese ball was a hit, remnants often remain. You could have a party for one the next day — just you and the last bits of that cheese ball — or you could use what’s left over to build something new, like a frittata or cheesy baked chicken.
May 1, 2019
7 Foods to Serve with a Cheese Ball
A cheese ball is only as good as what you serve it with. Crackers are classic, but that’s really just the tip of the cheese ball. All that flavorful goodness that’s rolled up inside has the potential to be spread onto and dipped into countless tasty snacks. Here are 7 to inspire your next party. Fruit and cheese make a wonderful match. Something firm, like pear or apple slices, allows for easy spreading and dipping.
May 1, 2019
5 Mistakes to Avoid When Making Cheese Balls
The beauty of including cheese balls in your appetizer spread is their simplicity and ease of preparation. In fact, cheese balls don’t require a recipe so much as they do some good ingredient inspiration, while following a four-step assembly process. Even so, there are a few missteps that have the potential to stand in the way of making a cheese ball that’s a total win.
May 1, 2019
The 5 Best Cheeses to Use to Create a Flavorful Cheese Ball
At the heart of a cheese ball is, of course, the cheese, so it’s important that the cheese used is a great one if you want stellar results. Almost any cheese can be transformed into a party-friendly ball, but we have a few favorites that we always turn to when building our creation. Here are our top five picks. First, it’s important to know that a cheese ball is a two-cheese (at a minimum) affair.
May 1, 2019
Why Whole30 Loves Ghee (and How to Make Your Own!)
For 30 days this month we’re exploring Whole30, the 30-day reset and refocus on whole foods. Whole30 isn’t a diet or a judgment of foods as “good and bad.” It’s actually a short-term reset that has helped many of our readers cook more and figure out the foods that make them feel their best. Read more about our coverage here.
May 1, 2019
A Slow-Cooker Dip That Tastes Like Broccoli Cheese Soup
Inspired by one of our favorite soups, we’re breaking out the slow cooker for a warm, creamy, veggie-flecked cheese dip that will get your crowd cheering. This riff replicates the satisfying indulgence of broccoli cheddar soup, with a warm dip that relies on your slow cooker and the convenience of the freezer aisle. All you need is some thawed, frozen chopped broccoli to pull it off. Set your slow cooker to warm and add about 2 cups of cheese dip (homemade or store-bought) to the bowl.
May 1, 2019
We’re Obsessed with This Chili-Cheese Twist on Chex Mix
The combination of chili and cheese is always a party in your mouth — spicy, salty, and just enough of an umami kick to keep you coming back for more — so it makes sense that the flavor profile works wonders with a party snack like Chex Mix. All you need to make this happen is a little chili powder and cheddar cheese powder. You’ll need a big batch of basic Chex Mix on hand before you can go and jazz it up.
May 1, 2019
5 Tips for Cooking with Greek Yogurt
I believe one of the most valuable tools you can have in the refrigerator is a tub of Greek yogurt. It’s what I lean on most mornings for a quick and satisfying breakfast, but I know that it can also do so much more. I find myself reaching for it when I whip up lunch, dinner, and those in-between snacks, since it can be a swap-in for a number of ingredients. I never tire of the creamy, tangy flavor it brings to recipes.
May 1, 2019
This French Cheese Puff Is the Best App You’re Not Making
Do you love cheese and light, fluffy bread? That’s a silly question. Cheesy bread is one of the most satisfying combinations we know — especially when it’s paired with a tall glass of something crisp and bubbly. In which case, you should really meet gougères, the French cheese puff that you should be serving for any appetizer-fueled happy hour (“Appy Hour,” as we like to call it).
May 1, 2019
The Most Cliché Fancy Foods, and Why We Still Love Them
I am someone who stands among the canned beans at the grocery store, searching for the cheapest can. I mean, they are canned beans — they are all cheap! And yet, if I can get one that’s a few cents less than the others, I feel like I’ve won. It definitely drives my fiancé (and probably anyone else around me at the store) nuts. Being as frugal as I am, you wouldn’t think I splurge on high-end food items — but I actually do.
May 1, 2019
Does Milk Really Do a Body Good?
If the advertising of the very early ’90s taught us anything, it can be summed up in the following slogan: “Milk: It does a body good.” But does it really? Here, we weigh the nutritional pros and cons of milk. From a nutritional standpoint alone, cow’s milk has quite a lot going for it, the New York Times points out in their examination of the topic.
May 1, 2019
If You’re Looking to Lighten Up Your Meals, You Need to Know This Cheese Trick
I have a deep love for cheese, in all shapes and forms, and feel it really does make anything better. At the same time, I am also someone who generally tries to eat pretty healthfully but who isn’t planning on denying herself something as good as melty mozzarella or salty cheddar in order to fulfill that.
May 1, 2019
This 4-Minute Mac & Cheese Will Make You an Instant Pot Believer
Lightning-fast mac and cheese already exists: It’s the stuff you’d microwave in your college dorm and quickly inhale in between classes. But if you want real-deal mac and cheese, with a healthier slant than that scary bright-orange stuff, you have to take the time to make it on the stovetop. That is, unless, you have an Instant Pot. Honestly, I think this recipe completely justifies the purchase of an Instant Pot. Mac and cheese in four minutes? With only five ingredients?
May 1, 2019
The 5 Most Important Things for Amazing Mac and Cheese
Of all the comfort foods that exist in this world, it’s hard to beat macaroni and cheese. What’s not to love about noodles bathed in a rich, creamy, cheese sauce? And yet gummy versions or dry, chalky versions are out there, and I firmly believe life is too short to endure them. There are a handful of secrets to avoid these travesties, leaving you to enjoy all the decadent goodness you so desire. Here are five things to always remember when you make mac and cheese.
May 1, 2019
Martha Stewart’s Mac and Cheese Is the Most Expensive, Most Delicious Recipe You Can Make
Making Martha Stewart’s mac and cheese instead of the mac and cheese I grew up eating at Thanksgiving isn’t something I’d do if I was home for the holidays. My brothers would sulk, my mom would be forlorn about it, and I’m not quite sure my dad would notice. But for my first Friendsgiving, there was only one recipe that would do if I wanted to make a mark. I had to bring Martha Stewart’s mac and cheese.
May 1, 2019
What’s the Deal with Low-Moisture Mozzarella?
Sometimes I don’t fully notice certain grocery labels until they’re pointed out to me, and low-moisture mozzarella was one of them. Low-moisture mozzarella looks different than those fancy containers of fresh mozzarella filled with water, and is even stocked in a totally different section of the store. So what exactly is low-moisture mozzarella cheese? As its name suggests, low-moisture mozzarella has a lower water content than fresh mozzarella cheese.
May 1, 2019
What the Smart & Choosy Shopper Knows About Buying Mozzarella from the Grocery Store
Perhaps the most confusing thing about buying mozzarella at the grocery store isn’t decoding the different varieties, but the fact that they’re sold in a couple different areas of the store. You’ll find some types of mozzarella in the dairy aisle, some near the deli, and, if your grocery store is fancy, some in a special cheese section or counter.
May 1, 2019
3 Non-Dairy Milks This Nutritionist Always Keeps in Her Fridge
One of the best things I ever did for my health was to adopt a healthy (whole food) vegetarian lifestyle when I was 20 years old — more than 10 years ago. While I realize it’s not for everyone, it was a brilliant solution for me. I felt better, slept better, my skin and digestion improved, and I had so much more energy. Several years ago, I took it a step further and decided to adopt a plant-based vegan diet, which was actually much easier than I thought it would be.
May 1, 2019
The Shortcut Caramel Sauce You’ll Want to Put on Everything
There are few cooking projects more satisfying than making caramel sauce or dulce de leche (a creamy caramel sauce popular in Latin America) from scratch. With caramel, you get to watch the sugar take on a gorgeous dark amber hue, stand back as it bubbles when the cream hits the pot, and then whisk until you’ve got a glossy, pourable sauce, indicating that you’ve totally nailed it.
May 1, 2019
A Simple (Yet Ingenious) Trick for the Best-Ever Cornbread
Cornbread is one of those versatile side dishes that can be made in pretty much any vessel you like. You can scoop the batter into muffin cups (or mini muffin cups!), spread it into a square brownie pan, dollop it into a cute cornstick pan (what we used when I was growing up), or, my personal favorite, pour it into a preheated cast iron skillet.
Apr 30, 2019
This 2-Ingredient Recipe Upgrades Any Salad
There aren’t a ton of excellent restaurants where I live. But there’s little traffic, I run into people I’ve known all my life at the grocery store, and my friends have been my friends nearly all my life, so for what it lacks in dining, it makes up for by simply being the place I want to be. But good lord, trying to find a decent salad a shade more interesting than a Caesar is a struggle, which is why I’ve had to really brush up on my at-home salad skills.
Apr 26, 2018
The Smart and Surprising Way to Never Waste Cheese Again
As someone who could eat her weight (and then some) in cheese, wasting even the tiniest bit sounds like a criminal offense. Yet, even I’ve been there. I sometimes grab too many wedges of this and that and am left with a fridge drawer so full that no matter how many grilled cheese sandwiches I make, I can’t get through all the cheese. Then, before I know it, things start to get moldy. Luckily, there is a super-smart and simple solution to this problem: Freeze your cheese.
Apr 19, 2018
We Found the Very Best Cheeses for Grilled Cheese
Remember the last time you had a really good grilled cheese? I do! It was still warm from the heat of the skillet, with golden-brown, butter-kissed toast that left my fingertips just a little greasy, and a pool of gooey melted cheese that seeped through the slices with each bite. True to its name, the cheese is what truly makes this iconic sandwich. Take a look in any cheese case and there are no shortage of choices when it comes to choosing this sandwich’s namesake ingredient.
Apr 10, 2018
When It’s Totally Okay to Buy a Bag of Shredded Cheese
Spoiler alert: More often than not, you're better off spending the extra money to get the convenience of a bag of shredded cheese.
Apr 9, 2018
5 Reasons to Scream Your Love of Milk Chocolate from the Rooftops
Milk chocolate is not the enemy. It’s gotten a bad rap because, well, most of the milk chocolate out there has been pretty crummy quality. If you start with bad-tasting cocoa beans and cheap sweeteners, then throw in some preservatives and other yucky-tasting ingredients, the result isn’t going to be great. The same could be said for dark chocolate. (And I absolutely recommend saying this to the next person who tells you they only eat 85 percent dark chocolate.
Feb 14, 2018
The Peanut Butter Solution Is the Scariest Movie of All Time
Attention, scary movie fans: If you’re in the market for a horror flick this Halloween, you can skip your go-to spooky classics and blood-curdling modern favorites. If you want to be truly terrified, it’s time to watch a Canadian children’s film about the dangers of peanut butter. I’m talking about The Peanut Butter Solution, a movie so terrifying and bizarre, I was convinced that my memories of watching it as a child were false.
Oct 16, 2017
This Is the Easiest Hack for Making Whipped Cream
Get ready to shake, shake, shake!
Sep 3, 2017
Bad News for Vegetarians: You Shouldn’t Eat These 7 Cheeses
Blissfully ignorant vegetarians had their hearts broken this week when they learned Parmigiano-Reggiano is not really vegetarian. Well, not technically at least. It doesn’t have meat in the traditional sense, but the beloved cheese, which is a staple garnish and ingredient for an array of foods, is made with calf rennet. What’s calf rennet, you ask? It’s found in the stomach lining of calves and it’s what causes cheese to curd through the active enzyme chymosin.
Jun 2, 2017
So, Can You Really Make Nut Milk from Nut Butter?
Just around the time I started researching making nut milk from any kind of nut at home and the pleasures of making cashew cream, Food52 shared a “genius recipe” for Instant Nut Milk. A hack they adapted from Laura Wright‘s The First Mess Cookbook promises “a better, smarter, faster, less pain-in-the-neck method” to making nut milk at home by blending raw nut butter with water.
Apr 21, 2017
Our Favorite Way to Upgrade Mac and Cheese with a Kick
Here’s an instant way to add depth to your boxed mac and cheese. It’s an upgrade that will not only give it a spicy kick, but also sour, umami notes. Yes, I’m talking about kimchi. Kimchi is potent stuff, and that’s exactly why we love it in instant mac and cheese. Often the boxed stuff can fall flat — it’s only cheese and milk and starch, after all — and a little lift can really go a long way.
Jan 18, 2017
Brownies Go Boo! With an Orange Cream Cheese Swirl
Maybe you’re looking for a little bit fancier way to jazz up a batch of brownies than a sprinkling of powdered sugar or the addition of everyone’s favorite Halloween candy. Look no further than these cheesecakec-marbled brownies. Sure, they look gorgeous, but they taste even better! Simply by adding a swirl of orange-scented cream cheese to your favorite brownie batter, you’re creating a Halloween-themed pan of brownies that will knock the socks off your book club friends.
Oct 19, 2016
Hack Your Instant Ramen with Coconut Milk
Inspired by our favorite Thai soup, canned coconut milk ups the ante on instant ramen with a rich, luxurious broth. Yes, coconut milk is great for its sweet, nutty flavor, but the real power behind this pantry staple comes from the fat. Stirred into simmering ramen, coconut milk takes the broth to another level with its extra-rich flavor. It’s a simple addition that makes ramen indulgent.
Oct 6, 2016
Hack Your Ramen with American Cheese
Instant ramen is all about simple comfort, and deserves a like-minded topping to match. Top off the bowl with American cheese and watch how it melts into the soup to form a creamy broth. It’s simple comfort food that invokes the nostalgia of childhood grilled cheese sandwiches. The best thing about American cheese is its meltability. Layered over the noodles in a hot bowl of ramen, it almost instantly succumbs to the heat of the broth, and softens into the noodles for a creamy twist.
Oct 5, 2016
11 Clever Ways to Turn Plain Cream Cheese into a Flavored Schmear
Plain cream cheese is delicious, but why not get a little creative with your morning bagel? Here we have 11 ways to start with plain cream cheese and turn it into a schmear to make your fancy bagel shop jealous. We’re not just talking about run-of-the-mill cream cheese flavors like scallion or strawberry — these 11 unique mix-ins start with pumpkin, progress to pickle, and close with chocolate. These are schmears to kvell over.
Sep 30, 2016
Greek Yogurt’s Creamier, Milder Cousin Comes from Iceland
If you love Greek yogurt for its thick, creamy richness, it’s time you try Icelandic skyr. Skyr is a cultured dairy product that hails from Iceland. Even though it was only introduced in the U.S. relatively recently, it’s been a staple in Icelandic cuisine for thousands of years, and is a strong element in the country’s national identity and culture (no pun intended). True skyr is not actually yogurt.
Sep 22, 2016
A Guide to Drinking with Spicy Foods: Milk for Grown-Ups
At the height of summertime, spicy food feels so appropriate — beat the heat with heat — but what about when your mouth says otherwise? How to cool down when the chilies have you crying? There’s one ultimate answer, when it comes to drinking while sweating, and that’s milk. Here’s how to drink it like a grown-up.
Aug 22, 2016