My 4-Ingredient Christmas Toffee Is Always a Hit at Holiday PartiesSkills
It uses the most surprising pantry snack.
What Is Nougat Anyway?Skills
I was enjoying a meal at a local restaurant this week — trying to manage one more bite of my entree before admitting I was full and calling it quits — when out came the waitress mentioning that the dessert special for the day was a nutella cake with homemade nougat ice cream. My regular stomach clocked out, and my dessert stomach clocked in. “We’re doing this!” But what the heck is nougat anyway?
Good Question: How Do I Make Chewy Caramels?Skills
Juliet is frustrated in her quest to make soft, chewy caramels – can anyone help?About making caramel candy–you know, the nice soft chewy kind with cream and butter in it? Well, I’ve now tried twice to make it: the first time it came out too hard, but with a perfectly pleasant toffee-like result.
5 Tips for the Best Chocolate BarkSkills
Nail this classic edible holiday gift.
5 Mom-Tested, Kid-Approved Snacks: 5 Good Choices that Actually Taste GoodSkills
Snacks get a bad rap, but this year I have managed to fill my pantry with an arsenal of good choices. As my kids geared up for back to school over the fall my snack mission was find treats that were easy, health conscious, actually taste good, and make my kids feel like I am spoiling them. This was no easy task. We’ve been back to school for a few months now and packing snacks can get to be a real pain. I’m a packer — a lunch and snack packer.
Burning Sugar Was My Mother's Best Cooking AdviceSkills
It's the difference between good caramel and great caramel.
May 6, 2020
This Halloween Candy Is UnrealSkills
Once upon a time there was a boy who just wanted to eat his Halloween stash. But his dad wouldn’t let him because the candy was full of artificial stuff and too much sugar. So, the boy decided he would make candy that was good for you. That boy is Nicky Bronner (pictured above with his brother and co-founder, Kris) and this is the (abbreviated) story of UnReal Candy. And, okay, let’s be upfront about this point: Candy isn’t good for you. It’s definitely not kale.
Dec 17, 2019
Candy-Making Basics: The Stages of Cooked SugarSkills
When making candy, we most often just follow the temperatures in the recipe and pay little attention to the actual stage. But it can be interesting to look at the stages side-by-side and realize what can be made with each one. Do you know soft ball from hard crack?! See for yourself below the jump!As we learned the other week when we looked at how sugar cooks, the longer it’s on the heat, the more the sugar molecules break down and recombine.
Jun 4, 2019
A Guide to the Flavors of Pop RocksSkills
A long while ago, I got it into my head to try every single flavor of Pop Rocks as a service to a wanting public, and today that dream is being realized. If a detailed description of grape-flavored Pop Rocks is what you’re after, or you’re seriously in need of Pop Rocks recommendations from a newly minted expert, my friends, you have come to the right place. This is the last guide you’ll ever need on the canon of Pop Rocks flavors.
May 30, 2019
These New Glow-in-the-Dark Halloween Candies Are Cool but Fundamentally FlawedSkills
As someone who grew up with glow-in-the-dark stars on her bedroom ceiling and glow-in-the-dark nail polish (that I’m pretty sure I bought at Spencer’s!), I was super pumped to hear that Hershey had new packaging for its classic Halloween candies (Reese’s, Kit Kat, and Hershey’s chocolate bars) that would actually glow. Of course, I was totally skeptical. Would the wrappers shine bright enough? YES! THEY DO!
May 30, 2019
How to Caramelize SugarSkills
here was a good bit of chatter on the weekend open thread about how to caramelize sugar. Readers really came through for one another with some great tips. Of course, the technique depends on what you’re using the caramel for, so care should be taken to note in your recipe what kind of caramel is called for. For example, the caramel needed for caramel candies is much less cooked than what’s needed for spun sugar.
May 3, 2019
Help! Can We Rescue This Crystallized Sugar Syrup?Skills
This weekend, we made a big batch of sugar cane syrup for some candy-making experiments. We used some of it right away without problems, but the leftovers crystallized into the cloudy, gritty mass you see in the jar above. Any hope of rescuing it?Sugar is notoriously fussy to work with and prone to re-crystallizing at the least provocation. We followed all the proper procedures for handling sugar (at least we think we did!
May 3, 2019
Candy-Making Basics: How to Work with SugarSkills
As we mentioned in our post on crystallized sugar syrup, candy-making is a brand new culinary adventure for us. We’re teaching ourselves the basics and look forward to sharing our triumphs and pitfalls with you. We certainly hope you’ll chime in with advice and questions! First up, we have some basic tips for working with sugar…Dealing with sugar and all it’s quirks is pretty much par for the course when it comes to making candy.
May 3, 2019
What’s the Difference? Frangipane vs. MarzipanSkills
About halfway through last week’s post on almond-rich bostock, we realized that we were getting frangipane and marzipan confused. In fact, we’ve been getting them confused for years. Since they both use almond paste and have similar-sounding names, we’re guessing we’re not alone!From what we understand, the main differences between frangipane and marzipan are what gets mixed into the almond paste and how they’re used.
May 2, 2019
What Should I Make with Leftover Marshmallows?Skills
Q: As the summer quickly leaves us, my husband and I are left with a nearly full bag of marshmallows that we barely used. Rice krispie treats are always an option, but I’m wondering if there are any other recipes or uses for them! Sent by Anna Editor: Here are some fun ways we’ve found to use up marshmallows: Key Lime Pie S’mores Melted Marshmallow Topping Readers, what are some other ways to use up marshmallows?
May 1, 2019
Do You Have to Use Corn Syrup When Making Soft Caramels?Skills
Q: Do I have to use corn syrup while making the soft caramel candy? Sent by Eli-el Editor: Corn syrup is an invert sugar, which helps keep sugar from crystallizing in soft caramels. Author David Lebovitz has a great post on corn syrup, and we also did a post on the differences between corn syrup and high-fructose corn syrup: Why and When to Use (or Not Use) Corn Syrup – David Lebovitz Corn Syrup vs.
May 1, 2019
3 Unexpected Ways to Use a Box of Cake MixSkills
Even if you haven’t tasted it in years, one bite of boxed cake mix has a sweet way of churning up nostalgic feelings that leave a smile on your face. Sure, baking cakes and cupcakes are the obvious ways to go when handed a box, but they only scratch the surface of all the surprising and playful things this ingredient can do.
May 1, 2019
Brownies Go Boo! With Halloween CandySkills
Have you made the mistake of buying your Halloween candy too early? Me too. So now I’m eating through an industrial-sized bag of M&Ms, Snickers, and Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups. Thankfully a batch of brownies can envelop at least a few of these fun-sized treats so I can share the candy with neighbors before Halloween. Here’s how to upgrade your brownies (and unload some of that Halloween candy) with a fast-and-fancy addition to your favorite brownie batter.
May 1, 2019
Brownies Go Boo! With a Candy Corn ToppingSkills
Candy corn is a divisive item. Either you love candy corn (and I probably don’t need to tell you how great they are with brownies) or you absolutely hate candy corn and require some convincing. Rich brownies are the ideal vehicle for candy corn; their moisture, buttery texture, and dark chocolate flavor tone down the candy corn’s strong sweetness and chewy texture. Plus, look how cute they are on the baked brownies!
May 1, 2019
Brownies Go Boo! With a Gummy Worm GraveyardSkills
My birthday falls just before Halloween, and these gummy worm garden brownies were served at almost every Halloween birthday party from the time I was 4 until I turned 12. What looks like frosting on top of these brownies is actually chocolate pudding, making this the greatest combination of brownies, pudding, candy, and crushed cookies ever. It really is the perfect dessert for your Halloween parties.
May 1, 2019
5 Mistakes to Avoid When Buying Halloween CandySkills
The National Retail Federation estimates Americans will spend as much as $9 billion on Halloween this year — and we’re betting a ton of that goes to the sugary stuff. But not all candy is created equal (we’re looking at you, Tootsie Rolls).
May 1, 2019
Why We Give Out Candy on Halloween: A Short HistorySkills
A short history of this extremely sweet tradition.
May 1, 2019
10 Cool Vessels for Passing Out Halloween CandySkills
If you’re super into Halloween, you probably believe that the vessel you use to hand out the candy is as important as the candy itself. Skip the predictable plastic pumpkin or cauldron and go for something a little more surprising this year. You just might be inspired to hoard some of that candy for later. Skull Candy Bowl, $17 at World Market: Freak out trick or treaters and have them reach into this skull’s mouth to grab their candy.
May 1, 2019
Where to Shop to Get the Best Deals on Really Good Halloween CandySkills
Here's where to go in order to fill your cauldron without emptying your wallet.
May 1, 2019
The One True Horror of HalloweenSkills
I’ve always loved Halloween. Every year as a kid I’d dress up in my homemade costume and go door to door to ask strangers for candy. I’d shuffle through the crispy leaves, carrying my pillowcase and enjoying the faint chill in the air. But I’d shake my tiny fist at the people who had left their light off, or even worse, had the gall to give out boxes of raisins. So what I’m trying to say is that I’ve never had a traumatic Halloween-related experience.
May 1, 2019
All Treats, No Tricks: Amazon Is Having a Sale on CandySkills
You might not think that buying tons of tiny candies can add up, but in October the cost of mini Snickers can actually run pretty high. Which is why this Amazon deal of the day is one to check out. Until 12 a.m. PT, you can get 25 percent (or more!) off select candy. They’re also all Prime-eligible, which means you could check one big item off your Halloween to-do list and have the candy on your doorstep as early as Thursday.
May 1, 2019
Reese’s Will Trade Your Lamest Halloween Candy for Peanut Buttery GoodnessSkills
Last week, the city of High Point, North Carolina, announced that it would be stepping in to prevent its citizens from handing out those gross peanut butter kiss candies. “Alright everybody, we’re giving you a one-week notice as you prepare for trick-or-treaters to remind y’all that by order of the City of High Point Emperor of Acceptable Candy (it’s a real thing), these are banned,” the City of High Point Government wrote on Facebook.
May 1, 2019
Sorry, SweetHearts Candy Hearts Won’t Be Sold This Valentine’s DaySkills
Few candies can claim such an iconic role in a holiday as the SweetHeart Conversation Hearts — you know, the slightly chalky, pastel-colored hearts that say things like “Be mine,” “Text me,” and “Love you.” The candies that come in the box with the clear window that you handed out to friends — just like your parents before you might have — won’t be around this February for Valentine’s Day.
Apr 30, 2019
The Perfect Halloween Candy Based on Your Zodiac SignSkills
When you think about it, Halloween and astrology really have a lot in common. They’re both a little witchy and mysterious, bounded by the night and stars. And they both give us an opportunity to boldly embrace who we are or, sometimes, who we want to be. But ultimately, they’re both all about having fun.
Oct 30, 2018
5 Mistakes to Avoid When Making Chocolate TrufflesSkills
Chocolate truffles are arguably one of the easiest candies to make at home. But with just two ingredients, any error can have a rippling effect. Whether you’re making your first batch of truffles or your 100th, these five pitfalls can be avoided with just a little foresight. Here are five potential truffle mistakes to avoid, and what to do instead.
Dec 13, 2017
The 10 Most-Hated Halloween Candies, Ranked from Bad to WorstSkills
Everyone wants to be the cool house on Halloween. But if you hand out bad candy, all the great decorations and spooky music in the world won’t save you from eggs and toilet paper. To find out which candies people hate the most, bulk candy retailer looked at 10 years of sales data and 12 independent “best” and “worst” candy rankings, and surveyed 40,000 people.
Oct 19, 2017
This Map Shows the Most Popular Halloween Candy in Each StateSkills
Most of us grew up learning about things that our state is known for, like the state bird, flower, and tree. But did you know states have favorite Halloween candies too? This map will not only show you which candies come out on top in your state, but also how many pounds of it are consumed each year. There’s everything from Swedish Fish and Skittles to Tootsie Roll Pops and candy corn (over 146,000 pounds each year in Michigan). Want to see how your state ranks? Well, right this way.
Oct 13, 2017
4 Mistakes to Avoid When Making Homemade GummiesSkills
Making gummies at home is even more fun than it seems. By mixing plain gelatin with sugar, fruit, or other flavored liquids, you can create gummy treats in every form. Now, plain gelatin does require a little more know-how than the box of flavored gelatin, but once you master these mistakes to avoid (and tips for mastering gelatin) you can whip up no-bake gelatin treats any ol’ time with ingredients from your pantry and fridge with ease.
Feb 14, 2017
Halloween Dip-Dyed MarshmallowsSkills
Looking for a Halloween treat you can give as a sweet little gift? With a bit of food coloring and a tiny bit of artistic direction, you can turn marshmallows into colorful treats that are as enjoyable to make as they are to eat. Start by grabbing three small bowls, filling them with water, and adding a few drops of food coloring (yellow, orange, and black) to each one. Then simply dip large marshmallows into the bowls.
Oct 17, 2016
Candy Corn Rice Krispies TreatsSkills
There’s something about Rice Krispies Treats that already make them seem fit for the Halloween season — perhaps it’s that candy-like, extra-gooey thing they have going on — but with the addition of candy corn, they become the perfect treat. This is easy — I promise. Get your favorite recipe for Rice Krispies Treats (may I suggest this one?) and gather the supplies (toasted crisp cereal, mini marshmallows, and whatever else it may call for).
Oct 7, 2016
5 Sweet Bites to Make in Your Slow CookerSkills
The slow cooker has been our answer for soups, stews, hands-off dinners, and even the occasional breakfast. But it doesn’t stop there — this handy appliance is also your ticket to satisfying your sweet tooth. From candies to confections, your slow cooker is also capable of making sweet treats.
Feb 29, 2016
The Science Behind Pop Rocks CandySkills
I’m pretty sure that Pop Rocks ranked quite high as one of the most entertaining candies of your childhood. A fizzy, popping feeling of tiny bubbles exploding, accompanied by their signature crackling sound when they hit your tongue – even your friends could hear them pop and fizz every time you opened your mouth. But where does the “pop” in Pop Rocks come from?
Oct 23, 2015
A Brief History of the Cadbury EggSkills
The Cadbury Creme Egg, a milk chocolate egg filled with a creamy white-and-yellow fondant that is meant to mimic a real chicken egg, is a polarizing Easter candy. Some might say it’s cloyingly sweet. This seasonal treat has become a signifier of spring, in part because eggs traditionally symbolize renewal and rebirth. Regardless of how you feel about this confection, you can’t deny its prominence from coast to coast come Easter time.
Apr 3, 2015
12 Ways to Use Up Candy CanesSkills
They appear just once each year, but what to do when you’re stuck with more candy canes than you know what to do with? Rather than tossing these festive sweet treats, transform them into baked goods and even cocktails and use up every last (even broken) piece! Read on for some creative uses for your leftover candy canes this holiday season. Perfect for even the broken leftovers, crushed candy canes make tasty and cute garnishes for holiday treats.
Dec 28, 2014
Why Are My Soft Caramels Getting Grainy?Skills
Q: I’ve made the soft caramels twice and they are great for the first two days. After that, they start getting grainy. What do you think is causing this to happen? Sent by Terrie Editor: The graininess probably comes from the sugar in the caramel crystallizing because it has either been undercooked or overcooked. Here’s a recipe with temperature guides for soft caramels: How to Make Soft, Chewy Caramel Candies Readers, any other ideas on what might make the caramels grainy?
Jul 9, 2014
How Can I Make Pralines Soft Again?Skills
Q: Do you know a way to soften praline candy? I just received a dozen from a friend in New Orleans, and they are starting to dry out already. What can I do to salvage them and restore the creamy texture?Sent by VictoriaEditor: Oh, dear! Since the problem is mostly that the sugar in the pralines gets hard and crystallized, you might try softening them the way you’d soften hard brown sugar.
Jun 1, 2012
Barhi Dates: The Fruit That Tastes Like Butterscotch CandySkills
When you stop to sample dates at the farmers market and the man selling them has a protective hand over a small piece of cardboard hiding two baskets of small, round dates which, when you ask him how they taste, he describes as “butterscotch candy,” you go home with those dates, obviously. He wouldn’t lift up the cardboard to give you a taste before you handed over your cash, but he is right: these dates taste like butterscotch candy.
Jan 20, 2012
Make Perfect Pralines: Five Secrets from a New Orleans ProSkills
One of my very favorite moments on my recent trip to LouisianaFirst, here is a recipe for pralines, adapted from the recipe used at the New Orleans School of Cooking:• Sweet No-Bake Recipe: Classic Southern PralinesANNE’S PRALINE TIPS:1. Stick to the Recipe – This is harder than Anne probably realized for those of us who like to tinker!
Jun 23, 2011