5 Scrambled Egg Hacks You Haven’t Tried (but Should!)
Scrambled eggs are equal parts simple and comforting, which is why they’re a staple just about any time of day. While enjoying them plain and simple is sometimes all you need, other times it’s fun to shake things up a bit. These little upgrades jazz up the homey classic just enough to make your scrambled eggs feel a little more special.
1. Add a splash of soy sauce.
You usually season you scrambled eggs with salt, right? Next time, try soy sauce instead. It provides the seasoning your eggs need and boosts their savory flavor. Add a splash as you’re whisking the eggs — and skip the salt altogether.
2. Reach for something creamy.
Ricotta, sour cream, crème fraîche, and even yogurt work wonders in scrambled eggs by adding richness and tang. While you can whisk a spoonful into the eggs before scrambling them, my preferred method is to fold in a big dollop right after I take the scrambled eggs off the stove. While most of it will melt right in, you’ll be left with a few creamy streaks that make each bite a little different.
3. Stir in corn.
Reach for that bag of frozen corn from the back of your freezer or grab the fresh stuff when it comes into season. It may seem like an odd combination, but corn lends a pop of sweetness and texture to each bite of scrambled eggs. Frozen corn can be added directly into the skillet of eggs and will defrost quickly from the heat of the pan. Fresh kernels benefit from a quick sauté first, and then you can add the eggs to the same pan.
Get a recipe: Scrambled Eggs with Fresh Corn, Goat Cheese & Tomatoes
4. Fold in pesto.
If you have a jar of pesto in your fridge (or a homemade batch tucked away in your freezer), it’s begging to be added to scrambled eggs. Fold in a spoonful right when you take the eggs off the stove and it will lend some herby, cheesy flavor that will set your breakfast apart.
4. Add a pinch of cornstarch.
This brilliant tip comes from Food52, who sourced it from the food blog Lady & Pups. For every egg you whisk, add about 1/2 teaspoon cornstarch to the bowl. The thickening agent makes your scrambled eggs extra creamy. As a bonus, the addition of cornstarch means you don’t need to be so careful with the eggs. They’ll be custardy even if you cook them a tad too long over high heat.