The Clever Organizing Hack You Need to Hear If You’re Getting a New Fridge Anytime Soon
If you’re the lucky owner of a brand-new refrigerator, you’ll want to find a way to recycle your old one — or donate if it’s still in working condition. But before you do that, you should consider mining it for organization tools, like one Apartment Therapy reader did.
In an effort to “reduce, reuse, recycle, and save money,” AT reader and organizing enthusiast Muna Bahra kept the drawers from an old refrigerator and used them to organize her new one. Hello, free storage bins!
If the temperature-controlled drawers in your fridge alone aren’t enough to keep things like cheese, deli meat, and produce organized — and they often aren’t — you’ll want to borrow Muna’s genius idea.
It’s a crucial last step you should take before kicking a fridge that simply doesn’t work anymore to the curb or a clever way to get the most out of an appliance now relegated to “garage fridge.”
Muna’s favorite part of her hack is how her old shelves look almost meant-to-be in her new fridge’s center drawer (see below). But, she says, if they don’t fit in the drawers, you should still try to use them in your fridge’s upper shelving or in the freezer.
Thanks for the tip, Muna!
This post originally ran on Apartment Therapy. See it there: A Clever Organizing Hack Might Be Hiding in Your Fridge