Recipe: Chocolate Yogurt Ombré Popsicles
In the social circle of patterns, I am pretty sure ombré is Queen Bee — the Regina George, the Blair Waldorf, the Khaleesi. It is almost too cool for school. And I’m just a little polka dot hanging out with my striped and plaid farmer friends, because my heavens, I could never pull off ombré hair or an ombré garment. Ombré is reserved for the cool, edgy people that can get away with other edgy things.
But ombré cake! Ooh, that I could do. Ombré carrots! I could do that, too. Ombré popsicles! Yes, those I can definitely do. And so can you.
Eating ombré is my favorite way to experience ombré — not just because it doesn’t involve dying my hair, but also because when you eat ombré, you get two flavors instead of one. No more having to decide between a chocolate or vanilla popsicle.
The following technique is super easy and yields beautiful results. A turkey baster is your best friend in this situation, and if you feel like changing things up and subbing out the cocoa for, say, a bit of matcha or cinnamon or just straight up food coloring, go for it!
Chocolate Yogurt Ombré Popsicles
Makes 6 (3-ounce) popsicles
Nutritional Info
- 2 1/2 cups
plain Greek yogurt
- 1/2 cup
granulated sugar
- 1 teaspoon
vanilla extract
Pinch kosher salt
- About 3 tablespoons
cocoa powder
In a medium bowl, whisk together the yogurt, sugar, vanilla, and salt. Use a baster to apply one small layer of this mixture to the bottom of your popsicle molds. Tap the bottoms of the molds on your work surface to even out the layers.
Whisk 1 teaspoon of cocoa powder into the yogurt mixture and then use the baster to apply another layer into your molds. Tap the bottoms again to even it out. Whisk another teaspoon of cocoa powder into the yogurt mixture and repeat this process.
Continue adding layers and whisking in teaspoons of the cocoa powder to make darker and darker layers until you've filled up your molds. Stick in your popsicle sticks and freeze for about 2 hours, or until frozen all the way through.