Pushing Daisies: The Pies
We know some of you are fans of “Pushing Daisies,” and we recently discussed the show’s honey-related story lines, but we could hardly let this month pass without a mention of the show’s primary food theme: Pie!
Read on for recipes from the show, including one that requires a certain magical power.
Many of the show’s episodes center around pie, and much of the action takes place at Ned’s restaurant, the Pie Hole. The place itself is shaped like a giant pie and it serves as a meeting spot for Ned, Charlotte and their detective partner Emerson Cod as they discuss each murder mystery case and plot their next move. Behind the counter, Ned’s employee Olive Snook serves customers while she pines for her boss.
Pie helps Charlotte, aka Chuck, reconnect with her aunts Lily and Vivian in a small way. After Ned brought her back to life, Chuck decided that revealing herself to her grieving aunts would be more than they could bear, so she stays hidden, keeping an eye on them from afar. To cheer them up, she sends them a weekly apple pie with Gruyère baked into the crust, with an extra kick of antidepressants.
Chuck is hip to food trends. Last season, she tried to convince Ned that cup pies would be a big hit at the Pie Hole. Being a traditionalist, though, he didn’t go for it.
He also hates to let things go to waste, and his pantry is filled with rotting fruit. But Ned needs only to touch a moldy strawberry to bring it back to its prime and bake it into a tasty pie. If you’ve got the touch, there’s a recipe from the “Pushing Daisies” comic book you might want to try:
For those of us without magical powers, we’ve rounded up a few other pie recipes inspired by the show. Unless it gets a ratings boost, and soon, you may need them to ease the pain of cancellation:
Related: TV Food Drama: Pushing Daisies
(Images: The Piemaker, LoHud, ABC)