Provence Food and Wine by Francois Millo and Victorija Todorovska
The angle: Provence! Wine! Sunshine! Good food! You know you want it.
Recipes for right now: Vegetable Soup with Pistou, Bouillabaisse, Barbequed Mussels, Tian à la Provençale, Niçoise Salad, Lemon Tart
Who would enjoy this book? Cooks planning a trip to Provence — or dreaming of their last time there.
Quick Facts
• Who wrote it: Francois Millo and Victorija Todorovska
• Who published it: Surrey Books
• Number of recipes: 47
• Other highlights: Provence Food and Wine is a thorough introduction to the region — almost as much guide book as it is cookbook. In addition to the collection of mouth-watering regional recipes, the authors dive into the ingredients unique to Provencal cuisine and the history of the region. Lovely full-color photos fill the book and give readers a real feel for the culture and feel of the land.
Find the book at your local library, independent bookstore, or Amazon: Provence Food and Wine by Francois Millo and Victorija Todorovska
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