The 5 Best Storage Gems a Pro Organizer Can’t Live Without (They’re All Under $20!)
The quest to keep things organized in the kitchen is never-ending. After all, there’s a nonstop flow of things in and out, and despite all the best intentions, it’s way too easy for things to get out of hand — and fast.
Luckily, it doesn’t have to be that way. I’m late to the game in working with a professional organizer, but now that I know, I know. And ever since I began working with the experts, I’ve learned to trust the recommendations that come from a pro. They see our messiest, most challenging spaces, day in and day out, and have the skills and the experience to help turn things around. This can involve spending some extra money, but in my experience, at least, it’s been money well-spent to invest in things that keep everything in my space easy to find and access. After all, when you know you already have things at home, you’re less likely to buy duplicates and end up with waste.
I’m fascinated by how organizers’ brains work, and what their absolute go-tos are. Kim Jones of Lock & Key Home in Louisville, Kentucky, and author of The No-Nonsense Home Organization Plan, was kind enough to share her tried-and-true favorites when it comes to organizing kitchens. Here are the five she says every kitchen needs (all for around $20).