Preserving by the Pint by Marisa McClellan
The angle: Preserving doesn’t have to be a weekend commitment; it also doesn’t have to just be an end-of-summer thing. Start thinking “small-batch” and lots of preserves become instantly possible.
Recipes for right now: Fermented Radish Slices, Ramp Greens Kimchi, Garlic Scape and Arugula Pesto, Spicy Mango Salsa, Rosemary-Rhubarb Jelly
Who would enjoy this book? Anyone who has dreamed of canning but lacks the space/time/gumption to do big batches.
Quick Facts
• Who wrote it: Marisa McClellan
• Who published it: Running Press
• Number of recipes: 100
• Other highlights: This is truly a new way to think about preserving and canning — and that’s not something that I say lightly. When I first glanced through this book, I saw recipes for pestos and barbecue sauce and soda syrups, and I thought, “What a sec. This isn’t canning…?”
My apologies for doubting you, Marisa, however momentarily. Because of course this is canning. It’s canning and preserving at its most fundamental: a way of extending the brief shelf-life of fruits, vegetables, and other green things beyond the ordinary. A pesto might not sit in your cupboard for months the way a jam would, but it will take those leftover greens that would otherwise go slimy and give them another chance at the dinner plate.
If you’re looking for more “actual” canning recipes — pickles and relishes, jellies and conserves — don’t worry, those are here too. In fact, there are projects for whatever level of preserving enthusiasm you are in the mood for, easy or more challenging.
They’re also all small batch recipes, meant to use up leftover bits from your CSA and that expensive pint of berries you couldn’t resist at the market. Because they’re small-batch, this makes all the recipes in this book well-suited to apartment-dwellers, folks cooking for just one or two, or cooks who just want to can “on the side” without the need for more elaborate canning theatrics.
Find the book at your local library, independent bookstore, or Amazon: Preserving by the Pint by Marisa McClellan
• Visit the author’s website: Marisa McClellan
Marisa McClellan on The Kitchn
Read all of Marisa’s posts for the Kitchn on small-batch canning!
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