I’m Fascinated by the Amount of Cooking Oil in Singer Pink’s Kitchen
The weekend is almost here, and we’re talking celeb real estate. Last time we discussed the home sales of the rich and famous, I posited that Katy Perry and Orlando Bloom kept a shot glass tree in their kitchen. Commenters chimed in and let me know that, Ugh, dum-dum, it was definitely not a shot glass tree, but a wine bottle tree. Or a mug tree. Or, IDK, anything but a shot glass tree. Hey, I’m open to corrections and my passion in life is riling up strangers on the internet over kitchen decor. On that note, let’s chat about Pink’s seaside Malibu home, which was just listed for $9.45 million.
There’s a lot to swoon about in this 5-bed, 4-bath house: floor-to-ceiling windows overlooking the ocean, a luxe-looking sectional next to a grand piano, and — hiiii — a bedroom with a gold quilt. (See also: Enormous soaking tub.) But since we’re all here for the food, I want to focus on the pictures of Pink’s kitchen.
If you can tear your eyes away from the handsome dark wood cabinets and refrigerator, or that massive island, you’ll notice in the right hand corner a truly impressive collection of cooking oils and vinegars. They take up almost an entire countertop! I zoomed in and although the photo was too pixelated for me to suss out individual types of oils, I did notice something cool.
Pink (or perhaps her husband Carey Hart, or perhaps a personal chef) stores what appears to be balsamic vinegar in a spray bottle. I love that. Can you imagine how delicious fresh strawberries would be with a light misting of balsamic? I can; I’m imagining it right now, as I place an Amazon order.
Not that Pink or anyone on her household staff asked for my opinion, but I would suggest a lazy Susan or two for easier access to all those lovely bottles and condiments. ‘Course, they don’t need to listen to me; I’m just a stranger on the internet.
What’s your favorite part about this real estate listing? What’s your least favorite part? How does it make you feel?