Pie by Angela Boggiano
Here in the US we generally think of pie as something sweet, but in the UK there’s a rich tradition of hearty, savory pies like meat pies, pasties, turnovers, and samosas. Whether savory or sweet, humble or noble, pie is serious comfort food, and British author Angela Boggiano covers the spectrum in the newly revised edition of her cookbook Pie.
Quick Facts
• Who wrote it: Angela Boggiano
• Who published it: Mitchell Beazley
• Number of recipes: 100+
• Recipes for right now: Spanish Pepper and Chorizo Pie; Mini Pork and Pancetta Pies; Masala Pasties; Smoked Salmon, Shrimp, and Herb Pies; Spiced Summer Berry Free-Form Pie with Lemon Pastry
• Other highlights: As Angela Boggiano shows, pie can be simple and homey or dressed up for a special occasion. It can be robust or delicate, carried to a picnic, or served after dinner. Most of all it needs a good carrier, and she begins the book with 11 basic crust recipes and tips, including shortcrust pastry, cheese pastry, flaky and puff pastries, as well as wholemeal (whole wheat) and gluten-free recipes.
From there Boggiano delves into “home” pies (think pot pies and deep-dish savory pies), hand pies (portable and individual pies), “noble” pies (for special occasions), sweet pies (traditional and seasonal), and extras like gravy and custard. The book is well-photographed throughout. Some of the recipes are traditional and others are more contemporary, but for the most part they have a very British sensibility.
My favorite thing about this book is the sense of heritage. Historical information is sprinkled throughout the headnotes and introductions, and I loved the stories of pie makers and images of traditional pie molds.
• Who would enjoy this book? Pie lovers, especially those interested in savory pies; British food enthusiasts
Find the book at your local library, independent bookstore, or Amazon: Pie, revised edition by Angela Boggiano
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(Images: Emily Han)