Paintings of Food: Inspiration from Wayne Thiebaud
A lot of us view food as art — especially the food bloggers amongst us. We appreciate the blackened outline of a meringue and the sheen of chocolate ganache dripping down the sides of a cake. Today though, I’m appreciating art that has food as its subject. Today, I’m looking through the works of Wayne Thiebaud.
Beautiful food photos inspire me, but there’s another level of appreciation entirely when viewing the work of Wayne Thiebaud (born November 15, 1920, age 92). We’ve probably all seen his work at some point. I’m sure looking through this gallery of images will queue up some familiarity.
Thiebaud is perhaps best known for his paintings of cakes and pies. Their simplicity queues up a certain nostalgia. Their pattern and composition evoke a response.
The artwork of Wayne Thiebaud, much like food, is best appreciated when it is sitting just inches from your own eyes. He paints with a particular texture and style that makes the negative space of white interesting — as you notice streaks of pinks and blues swirl around the outlines of his subject.
Wayne Thiebaud is inspiring me today. Maybe his work will inspire you too. To appreciate the little things… to remember the past… to bake a pie.
Do you have a favorite food artist or painting?
(Images: 1.Flickr user afteravedon licensed through Creative Commons 2. Flickr user cliff1066 licensed through Creative Commons 3. Flickr user therealsky4est licensed through Creative Commons 4. Flickr user veritatem licensed through Creative Commons 5. Flickr user Marshall Astor – Food Fetishist licensed through Creative Commons)