Oreo Finally Reveals the Truth Behind Its Mystery Flavor
There are many great mysteries in this big, wild world of ours. For instance, why do people think it’s OK to wear socks and sandals at the same time, or who really killed JFK, and, my personal favorite, why can’t my husband hang up a hand towel in the bathroom?
But none of those things captured the internet quite like Oreo’s latest mystery flavor. Did you get a chance to try it? Do you think you have it figured out? Well, their mystery flavor was revealed this morning and the answer might surprise you.
Around my house there were many guesses as to what flavor the recently launched mystery Oreos were. My oldest said they tasted like Kool-Aid, the middle child said they tasted like crunchy Pixie Stix, and the youngest put her vote in with gummy snacks. The good news is that all three of my children are on top of their artificial flavors game; the bad news is that none of them were right.
The real mystery flavor, as Oreo revealed this morning, is none other than Fruity Pebbles! In hindsight, this was a brilliant move, as the best part about eating Oreos is dunking them in milk, and sugar-laden cereal is already primed for this job.
Apparently many people in taste tests had indicated that Fruity Pebbles was the overriding flavor. Both the folks over at Food & Wine and Delish guessed correctly.
So, maybe it was just me and my kids who couldn’t quite get it? Was anyone else stumped?
Does this mean that they’ll go into full rotation soon? Now that the flavor has been disclosed, there are sure to be those that hurry to the store to see if any are left. Somehow, guessing a flavor isn’t as satisfying as knowing there’s a weird flavor out there to be had — like Fruity Pebbles!