I Tried the Two NEW Starbucks Drinks on the Permanent Menu — Here’s Which One I Liked More
In case you missed it, Starbucks just released two new drinks to their permanent menu yesterday: The Almondmilk Honey Flat White and the Coconutmilk Latte. Both are non-dairy drinks. Obviously I had to try them both immediately!
Whenever I get a chance to try out a new Starbucks beverage I’m either super excited or excited but slightly scared (hello IT Frappuccino), but these two new ones seemed pretty innocent and delicious. And they’re a great addition to a menu that makes it easier for coffee drinkers to get their morning (and maybe PM) java fix without the dairy.
Both drinks are made with Starbucks Blonde Espresso, and they have a nice bit of frothiness to them (though the Coconutmilk Latte is significantly frothier and airier!).
What’s the Deal With These Drinks?
The Almondmilk Honey Flat White combines ristretto shots of Starbucks Blonde Espresso with steamed almond milk and a nice hint of honey,. It’s super smooth with some nice richness in espresso flavor. In the photo above, the Almondmilk drink is the darker beverage.
The Coconutmilk Latte combines shots of Starbucks Blonde Espresso with steamed coconut milk. There’s also some Cascara sugar on top with a bit of dark brown sugar and maple to taste. People apparently have been ordering this drink off menu from some time now (according to my BFF barista), but it’s now also a permanent menu item. In the photo above, the Coconutmilk drink is the lighter beverage.
How Do They Taste?
To my surprise the Almondmilk Honey Flat White tasted a lot sweeter than the Coconutmilk Latte — I was expecting the opposite. Neither one was overly sweet, however. The Coconutmilk was a lot frothier — it even looks more like an airy cappuccino — while the Almondmilk one has more depth and flavor to it.
Which is Better?
Well, I guess you’ll have to figure that one out for yourself! Yet, if I’m telling you which I prefer, it’s definitely the Almondmilk Honey Flat White. I like the mixture of a richer, deeper espresso taste but with some sweetness from the honey that isn’t overpowering one bit. The Coconutmilk Latte is still a solid choice — don’t get me wrong — but if you’re a fan of that one and want to try something that may be a bit more flavorful, I’d say give the Almondmilk a shot!