The Girl Scouts Are Making a New Cookie — And It’s Ridiculously Amazing

Lisa Freedman
Lisa FreedmanExecutive Lifestyle Director
Lisa Freedman is the Executive Lifestyle Director at The Kitchn. She has never met a cheese or a washi tape she didn't like. She lives in New York state with her husband and their pup, Millie.
updated Jan 13, 2022
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new girl scout cookies

Quick! On the count of three, name your favorite Girl Scout cookie. Say it out loud. One, two, three … what’d you say? I heard lots of votes for Thin Mints, Tagalongs, and Do-si-dos. (Don’t ask me how I heard you; I have my ways!)

Chances are, you have a favorite Girl Scout cookie — and it’s been your favorite for years and years. Maybe even since you were a Girl Scout yourself, selling boxes outside of your local grocery store. Well, get ready: I have a feeling you might have a new favorite soon.

While it’s not all that regular, the Girl Scouts do release new cookies every few years. (The most recent new cookie being Lemon-Ups, which came out in 2020.) The Girl Scouts also discontinue some cookies fairly regularly. But I think the newest cookie has staying power. It’s so good, I think it could even replace whatever it was that you yelled at me a minute ago.

Meet the newest cookie: Adventurefuls, officially announced back in August and finally becoming available now, as Girl Scout Cookie season kicks off. What’s an Adventureful? A cookie that is full of adventure! Just kidding — that’s not a thing. It’s a brownie-inspired cookie with caramel-flavored crème and a hint of sea salt.

Read more: Girl Scout Cookie Season Is Almost Here — And These Are the Cookies Featured in This Year’s Lineup

I got my hands on a box (okay, two boxes!) in advance and got to give them a try. If I’m being honest, I worried that the description made them sound like they’d be way too sweet. I’m a Thin Mints girl myself and, while I like a cookie that pairs well with milk, I don’t want to have to chug a gallon in order to quench my thirst after a sugar bomb of a cookie. But! These are NOT too sweet.

Adventurefuls are a chocolate-covered, crunchy chocolate cookie that actually remind me of a thicker version of Brownie Brittle. (If you haven’t had Brownie Brittle, it’s basically a cracker that’s also a brownie. And you should try it.) The small puddle of caramel-flavored crème on top also isn’t overwhelmingly sweet. And the hint of sea salt is just right. The four parts — the chocolate coating, the chocolate cookie, the caramel-flavored crème, the sea salt — all just work incredibly well together. Kinda like the Girl Scouts! The only thing that makes these cookies better? A stint in the freezer before you eat them.

What’s your favorite girl scout cookie? Will you give Adventurefuls a try?