Man Sipping Soup from Public Ladle Angers Millions
You might have thought Halloween was over, but this frightening tale says otherwise. In a video posted on Twitter by multiple sources, an unidentified man can be seen doing the unthinkable: sipping soup directly from a public ladle. Like Kate Bernot said on The Takeout, shaming people for doing things that could likely be an innocent mistake is not an internet phenomenon that I particularly enjoy, but this man. His body language seems to indicate that he knows he’s doing something wrong, and doesn’t care. So to heck with decorum, who is this man?
[Readies pitchfork, dunce cap, and shame bell.]
How do we know that what this man is doing is not an innocent mistake? For one, does it look like he’s going to buy any soup? He has a bag of fresh rolls, but no cup for which to ladle his soup into. Then, the amount that he’s “sampling”: he’s sips not once, not twice, but three separate times to ponder the flavor of soup that it doesn’t look like he’s even getting.
Also, there are sample cups at every soup bar in America prominently displayed for that purpose. It’s fairly common knowledge that those tiny little ramekins are to keep your lips from hitting public property.
The general consensus on Reddit and Twitter of the millions upon millions of people who have seen the video have decided through a little sleuthing that this man is committing a societal no-no in the Midwest, at what likely is a Mariano’s grocery store. (I’m so sorry to everyone that happened to shop at one of those and get soup recently.)
Not to worry too much, though — Mariano’s thoroughly cleans and dumps all of its soup at the end of every day. Althoug, until this Soup Bandit is caught, maybe it’s best to show up early before he’s had a chance to sample the goods.