Look at the Secret Mezcal Lounge in This Los Angeles Loft
Apartment Therapy recently posted a video tour of this gorgeous loft in Los Angeles. The apartment is located inside an old Edison Electric building, and there are a bunch of long tunnels, secret nooks, and large spaces with floor-to-ceiling windows. The most special part of the space, however, is one small nook that’s dedicated solely to drinking mezcal. Take a look!
In order to get to the mezcal nook, you need to crawl on all fours in this carpeted tunnel. You can see Annette — a resident of the apartment — sitting right outside the nook in the above photo.
Annette explains the space a little bit in the video:
As you make your way down the carpet tunnel, there’s a nook on the right — a mezcal lounge. Inside we have candles, and souvenirs from Mexico, Cuba, and New Mexico, and of course mezcal. Only mezcal is in the mezcal lounge. You can’t drinking anything else in there.
I’m particularly smitten with how cozy Anette has made this space. I love all of the pillows, candles, mirrors, and the silver platter that she places the bottles of mezcal on. It looks like only about two people could comfortably sit inside the nook, but that almost makes it more special.
→ Take the Full Tour: This LA Loft in an Old Edison Electric Building Comes With Tunnels, Nooks & Plenty of Room to Lounge from Apartment Therapy