Learn Just What Minced Looks Like
The next time a recipe calls for minced garlic or chiles, this is exactly how you want to use your knife to produce that cut. Here’s what minced ingredients should look like and why recipes call for them.
Educate Your Eye: What a Mince Looks Like
This Is Why Recipes Use Minced Ingredients
Minced ingredients, commonly garlic, ginger, shallots, and chiles, are used in recipes to infuse flavor throughout the dish. This type of cut is called for because the small size allows it to work itself evenly into the other ingredients, with the texture nearly disappearing. Minced ingredients are frequently called for in dressings, sauces, dips, and garnishes.
Recipes with Minced Ingredients
Educate Your Eye
This series will help you sharpen up your knife skills by using your eyes as the guide. It walks you through the most common ways to cut ingredients —detailing what each cut looks like, what sets it apart, and how it’s used in recipes.