The Simple Trick for Getting Your Counters Spotless Every Time
The thing about white counters is, even though they make my kitchen look bright and airy, they also put every single bit of dirt and debris on display for all (read: me) to see. That’s why I keep a microfiber cloth and bottle of my favorite all-purpose cleaner next to the sink. Anytime the counters aren’t looking their best, I spray the affected spots, wipe away the grime, and move on.
The only problem is, I almost always end up missing spots and having to repeat my work. Maybe it’s the lighting, or maybe it’s my rush to move on to the next urgent chore, but nine times out of 10, I walk away and notice little grimy or crumb-y areas I couldn’t see when I first sprayed and wiped. Luckily, Caroline Solomon, a New York-based professional organizer, recently posted a TikTok with a super-smart solution (one I wish I would have thought of sooner).
Here it is: Every time you clean your counters, whether you’re deep cleaning or just wiping crumbs from your lunch, crouch down so you can look at them at eye-level. That way, you’ll see spots that may be obscured by the lighting in your kitchen, along with getting a better view of crevices you might have otherwise missed when you’re towering over the counter. (For me, that’s around and beneath the toaster and my knife block).
Even outside the kitchen, following the same rule can help you see dirty spots you might not see when you’re standing up. I plan to try it out next time I clean the bathroom counter or dust the bookshelves in my living room.
It might take a few extra seconds to bend down and closely inspect your surfaces, but ultimately, Solomon’s cleaning tip will save you time and energy — and, hopefully, leave your counters sparkling no matter what color they happen to be.