Is This What Grocery Stores Will Look Like in the Future?
What if it was easy to eliminate packaging waste just by going to the right grocery store? And what if you could choose the right amount of food at a grocery store so you didn’t have to throw out the excess food when it went bad? A new concept grocery store in Berlin, Original Unverpackt, tackles these objectives with an impressive zero-waste policy. If anything, it’s surprising that something like this doesn’t already exist.
Original Unverpackt plans to enforce its zero-waste policy by not selling anything in disposable bags, jars or boxes. It gets rid of the traditional shelving for walls lined with bulk bins filled with grains, large crates of fresh produce, and a drink station that requires refillable bottles.
In their video explanation of the concept store, Milena Glimbovski and Sara Wolf give a beautiful visual of what your groceries look like now, versus what they will look like from Original Unverpackt:
While Original Unverpackt was mostly funded by investors, it was also made possible through successful crowd-funding which will be completed in about two weeks. If all goes well, the store should open in the near future.
→ Read More: At This Zero-Waste Grocery Store, Plastic and Packaging Aren’t Allowed by Takepart