What Will Your Kitchen Look Like in 30 Years? IKEA Has an Idea!
When I think 30 years into the future, I’m hoping for things like bras without underwire that don’t suck and self-healing knives that never need sharpening! My groceries will obviously be delivered by drone and my laundry will automatically sort and fold itself.
Okay, so my vision is probably more dream than reality. (Or maybe not? Washington Post predicts drone-delivered kale may be part of the crazy Amazon-0wned Whole Foods new world.) Regardless, our favorite blue-and-yellow home design giant has a few ideas for your future kitchen that I’m positive are going to be a reality.
To celebrate 30 years in the U.K., IKEA is hosting a four-day house party that showcases homes of eras past (in case you need a reminder as to what the ’90s looked like) and gives us a glimpse into what homes will look like 30 years from now. If you happen to live in London, you can check it out in person until October 21 (that’s Saturday! Hurry! And also, send me all your candy and delicious snacks).
If not, allow me to paint a picture for you.
In 30 years, most things still feel like home. There isn’t a space garage for our flying cars or a conveyor belt to take us through the shower room. (You’re disappointed, too? I know — thank you, Jetsons, for giving me false hope.)
There is one big change though: The inside is now the outside and we all live in a jungle! Okay, no, not really. I’m talking about hydroponics. All the kitchen cabinetry is covered with plants — not just as a cute exercise for a salad every once in awhile, but as a mainstream way to get your greens and vegetables. In IKEA‘s dream world, plants take center stage where more design-worthy items like artwork might have previously resided.
Another noteworthy prediction is 3D-printing. Will this allow us to print dishes on command when they are broken? Maybe I could print my own cookware when I didn’t get a chance to do dishes? (Wait, is that one of those things I’m not supposed to admit to out loud?)
What will your kitchen look like 30 years down the road ?