If You Haven’t Grilled Short Ribs Yet, You’re Missing Out
Tired of just grilling hamburgers or hot dogs this summer? Ready to try something different than grilled steak? Consider a juicy cut of beef that’s usually reserved for cold-weather braising instead: short ribs. Trust me, they’re worth throwing on the barbecue!
The Traditional Way to Cook Short Ribs
Short ribs are usually reserved for braising because they contain a lot of muscle and tendon that needs moist, low heat and a lot of time to cook until tender. The reward for this slow cooking is that short ribs are full of beefy flavor.
Why Grill Short Ribs?
But short ribs also contain a lot of fat, and this fat offers some protection when short ribs are cooked quickly over high heat. As a result, short ribs can be grilled like a steak and still come out flavorful and delicious! Short ribs won’t be as tender as an expensive ribeye steak, but I’ve still found them great for grilling with their intense beef flavor.
Lest you think this is a new concept, traditional Korean cuisine grills thinly cut short ribs (known as flanken style) over charcoal, and you’ll see many Korean restaurants serving this dish known as kalbi. This marinated beef dish works well with short ribs because they absorb marinades so well. Argentine cooking also grills thick-cut short ribs, served with an herby chimichurri sauce.
How to Grill Short Ribs
Thick English-cut short ribs are best cooked over high heat to a medium rare, which will melt just enough fat to keep the meat juicy.
Whether you grill the English-cut or thin flanken-style short ribs, it’s worth adding short ribs to your next summer cookout!