How Much You Spend Online Shopping, According to Your Favorite Cocktail
Don’t be embarrassed. You can admit it: You’ve indulged in a little drunk online shopping. I know I have. The perfect time to shop is actually after a couple cocktails. Your inhibitions are lower, and it’s easier to convince yourself that you deserve the expensive appliance you’ve had your eye on for months. Plus, you can find anything your heart desires from the comfort of your couch, now that the internet is just one big shopping mall. A recent survey, however, claims that there are some drinkers who are prone to spending more money online shopping than others.
As Dr. Wendy Patrick reports on Psychology Today, gin drinkers are the most likely to splurge during an online shopping session, spending an average of $82. Next come whiskey and beer drinkers, who each spend around $40 on average. There’s even a difference between wine drinker’s spending habits: Those who prefer white wine shell out around $46, while those who drink red wine only spend $42.
Just as you might expect, people who drunk-shop aren’t looking to restock paper towels and laundry detergent; they’re more interested in luxury items, including lingerie, shoes, and dresses — you know, the type of thing you might wear on your next epic night out on the town.
Dr. Patrick says that shopping for items you might consider splurges when you’re sober is so appealing when you’re drunk because you have less impulse control, and lose your ability to restrain yourself. Sound familiar? When I’m looking at a dress I love that is just out of my price range, a glass of wine would most definitely give me the courage to buy it anyway.
While Dr. Patrick probably rightly advises against online shopping after (or during) a night of drinking, I say why not give yourself permission to buy yourself something nice while sipping a glass of wine on the couch. After all, it’s almost Christmas. That’s not just the alcohol talking. You do deserve it.