How Do I Use Nut Oils?
Q: Every time I snag a special oil like hazelnut, grapeseed, walnut, etc., I imagine the wonderful possibilities they will bring, and yet every time I’ve tried them, they’ve been huge disappointments!
I know they taste amazing, and they are everything they are cracked up to be, but I must be totally missing how to bring out those amazing flavors in real recipe uses. Every time I’ve used them in a basic vinaigrette, it has turned out terrible … any thoughts?
Sent by Karen
Editor: One thing to keep in mind is that these oils are very strongly flavored. It’s a mistake to substitute them one to one in a vinaigrette. Instead, replace just one tablespoon of olive oil or a milder oil with the nut oil for a more subtle and balanced flavor.
Readers, any other advice for Karen on the best way to use nut oils?