Here’s What 1 Pound of Onions Looks Like
Have you ever found yourself in the grocery store trying to figure out how many onions to buy to equal one pound? Maybe you’re at a farm stand or market where there isn’t even a scale to weight them on. For those situations, it’s useful to know what a pound of onions looks like. Here are a few key pointers to help you out.
Educate Your Eye: 1 Pound of Onions
Two medium onions, about the size of an average apple or navel orange, weigh about one pound.
When you’re faced with onions that range from the size of a shallot to the softball-sized behemoths, stick to the middle ground and go for the medium-sized onions.
When I’m zipping through the grocery store, this is how I make a quick call on how many onions to buy to get to a pound sans scale.
Do you have any other tips on eye-balling one pound of onions?
Educate Your Eye
Our eyes are one of our greatest, most useful tools in the kitchen. They can help us size up everything from the weight of vegetables to the doneness of meat. Educate Your Eye is a series on The Kitchn that teaches you what you need to know to use your eyes for smarter cooking both inside and outside the kitchen.