Help Me Figure Out My Tiny Apartment-Sized Oven
Q: I recently took a small studio apartment in order to save some money. It works pretty nicely, but I’m having issues with the apartment-sized oven: the heating elements are so large relative to the rest of the oven that everything I baked is sizzling to a crisp on the bottom way before it’s cooked through! In fact, my baking sheet is starting to get discolored on the bottom.
Sent by Jon
Editor: Jon, we would definitely recommend that you get an oven thermometer; it sounds like your oven may also be overheating quickly (a common problem in small ovens — we have a small oven too and the temperature is always way over where it should be).
• Best Product: Sunbeam Oven Thermometer
If you can see what your oven is heating up at then you can adjust accordingly — lowering the temperature is a good place to start. We would also suggest investing in some good heavy-duty baking sheets, like the ones you find at a restaurant supply store — they will distribute the heat more evenly.
Any more tips for Jon and his over-active oven?
(Image: Faith Durand)