How Do I Cook a Whole Duck?
Q: Hi! I need some cooking advice. My local grocery store has whole frozen ducks on sale and I am looking for some suggestions on how to cook one.
I have never cooked duck before and it seems a bit more complicated then a whole chicken. Do you have any advice or easy recipes?
Sent by Sarah
Editor: Sarah, roasting a duck actually isn’t too much different than roasting a chicken. There is a lot more fat on a duck, though, so you either need to baste that away while cooking, so it doesn’t completely smoke up your oven, or roast the duck in a standing pan of water, as in the recipe below.
Here’s a very good recipe via Gourmet, at Epicurious:
Be sure to read through the user comments for some more tips on roasting the duck. Good luck (and maybe we can come over to dinner…?).
Readers, any more tips for Sarah, or any favorite recipes?
(Image: Romulo Yanes/Gourmet)