Help! My No-Knead Bread Stuck To the Pan
Q: I cooked Mark Bittman’s no-knead bread in my Dutch oven this weekend. The problem is that the bottom of the bread stuck to the Dutch oven and I cannot remove the leftover bread that’s sticking in the bottom of my Dutch oven.
Do you have any suggestion on how to clean it and what I should do next time I bake the bread so it doesn’t happen again?
Sent by Marion
Editor: Marion, it sounds to us like your Dutch oven wasn’t hot enough before adding the dough. If the pan is very hot the bottom of the bread cooks almost instantly, letting it release smoothly once the loaf is done. If you want to look at the whole process in pictures, check out this post:
As far as cleaning the Dutch oven, an overnight soak in hot soapy water should dissolve the bread stuck to the pan.
Readers, any suggestions for Marion?
(Image: Faith Durand)